Monday, October 23, 2017

Benjamin Fulford : Past Presidents of Bankrupt US Corp Go on Begathon for Godfather Bush

Benjamin Fulford: October 23, 2017

The dragnet is slowly but inexorably closing in on the Bush/Clinton (Scherf/ Rockefeller) Khazarian mafia clan and their Federal Reserve Board printing press. Multiple legal investigations, mass arrests of junior Khazarian mobsters, and public disclosure are now part of regular public discourse, and not just on blogs formerly maligned as “conspiracy” sites. An interesting sign of the Khazarians’ desperation was the spectacle of George Bush Senior posing with four other former presidents (minus Donald Trump) of the United States Corporation as part of a “beg-athon.” First, we must note that with computer graphics and body doubles it is hard to know if this event really took place. For example, multiple sources have told this writer that Bill Clinton (Rockefeller) died of AIDS early this year. Nonetheless, assuming this event did really take place, this is what a senior CIA source in Texas had to say about it: “The “beg-athon” in Texas is pure BS. Notice that the money goes through the George H.W. Bush (Scherf) Foundation. They are scamming money any way they can get it. The Khazarian mafia cabal must be really desperate.”

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