Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Anonymous - Operation Save Humanity

  Anonymous used to be about taking down crooks. But things like nuclear warfare, natural catastrophes, the nightmares of extreme solipsism...stuff like that is beyond our control. Of course there's unnamed vigilantes taking care of those petty crooks. What we're saying is, Anonymous needs to be something more--something new and brave. Something the public can believe in. Words and its semantics aside, we aim to give the citizens hope just like any other person. We need heroes, and this channel aims to unleash the hero in people. Anonymous needs to be something greater for the coming generations. p.s. We stand with Las Vegas.



Greetings. We Are Anonymous. A few months back mankind witnessed the unforeseen rise of a select few who deem themselves the masters of politics. The Ku Klux Klan, Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists. We aren't just calling out those groups however. Because there are others. The BLM movement, Antifa, among many more who are dividing society through the vessels of color, gender, and other superficial terms. Take a step back and witness the rise of a war between people we are supposed to find compassion and empathy in, but instead succumb to hatred and rivalries. You've heard the same message a thousand times before. Live in peace and harmony, find comfort in each other's existence. But none of it seems to matter, because the darkness inside us has gotten the better of us. So let's take it a step further. Let's include your very children into the mix, your own passions, because you're fighting for their future, are you not? You're fighting for your future, right? We must question then, if this is what you want their future to be, because this is the future you're accepting them to live in. This is the future you're accepting yourself to live in. This is the future you're accepting humanity to abide by. This is the future some of you are ignoring. ### Do you really believe, with all your emotion and logic, that this is what you want your children and humanity to remember you for? For not making the world a better place, but by making it worse for them? A world filled with no truths, only the ashes of lies? The objective of this operation lies within you. Because anonymous is not the answer, and it never has been that answer. The answer is inside your darkness, and it is your duty to shine light to it. To show everyone the hero you always were, the hero you never knew that you were. Operation Save The Humanity, engaged. We Are Anonymous. We are legion. We forgive, because we are strong. Though we shall never forget. To whatever horror comes our way, expect us.

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