Saturday, October 7, 2017

ALERT! ISIS Planned Massive Terror Attack In NYC!!!

I saw this coming. The globalists brought in ISIS. ISIS is their mercenary army. They can feed information that can set off a terrorist already in America by manipulating their emotions. If they have a cell phone and facebook almost anyone can be manipulated. The system is self aware. Every video you watch on youtube is monitored. They can analyze everything you have watched, said, and commented and show you information that is tailored to your belief system. Once the system understands how you think then you can be manipulated by the very same system that was created to monitor, analyze, and control you. Using certain triggers that have been ingrained in the minds of social justice warriors and jihadis they can set off emotions that will create a certain response since everybody shares information about every aspect of their life on social media. Using these data the system can predict what you will do. This is a perfect time to set off ISIS in America to further increase the fear and paranoia levels to new levels. People who doesn't understand how the social engineers and think tanks for the globalist system operates will ask for more gun control and a heavier clamp down on the system. They have designed this perfectly so no matter what happens America descends further into chaos and the globalists win. America collapsing from within, going bankrupt, civil war, or WWIII will all have the desired outcome for the globalists. It will remove America out of the way so the Globalists can spread world wide communism.

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