Monday, September 4, 2017


 Greetings world, We are Anonymous. President Donald Trump faced "near certain death" after the Presidential Motorcade he was riding in was targeted by ANTIFA, with Trump being placed in "grave danger" due to his Secret Service protectors placing him in one of their Roadrunner SUVs, instead of his Presidential State Car that’s able to withstand the blast that would have occurred should this attack been successful, and that was, also, captured on video. The SVR is authorized under Federation law to conduct "widespread" surveillance on any designated group in the world, and which ANTIFA was so designated, on 12 June 2017, by the State of New Jersey Office of Homeland Security who labeled them as being a "domestic group", and that led to the SVRs shocking discovery earlier this month that these ANTIFA were being trained in Venezuela. As it pertains to the attempted take out of President Trump, SVR surveillance of ANTIFA operating in the State of Missouri (known as Kansas City ANTIFA) showed large numbers of them being employed by Google Fiber, and whose location is in a building located at 908 Broadway, in downtown Kansas City, where, also, ANTIFA frequently hold meetings. The SVR expressed "grave alarm", when two vehicles owned by Google Fiber left Kansas City and arrived in Springfield (Missouri) at a telecommunication company called the Bass Pro Shop Call Center where they were contracted to do work, and that was located in a "hidden/secretive" position adjacent to President Trumps motorcade route. Following established protocols when discovering an apparent attack ready to occur in another nations territory, the SVR contacted the Minister of Foreign Affairs whose responsibility it is to notify foreign nations, which in this case was the United States, and whose presidential protective forces were able to thwart this attack when, after the ANTIFA bomb carrying vehicle made its "attack run", it was quickly disabled by one of Americans "viper" vehicles. In a quick cover-up of this take out attempt against President Trump, the mainstream propaganda US news media immediately blacked out this event from being able to be known by the American people, with only a bare handful of local media reports even reporting it—all of whom lied with their saying that this ANTIFIA attack vehicle was just a car that lost control of its brakes, and at occurred at the exact same time President Trumps vehicle was in its sights. As to why the multi-billion international tech giant Google would want to take out President Trump, is due to their fears that Trump is preparing to file an anti-trust complaint against them in order to break up their monopoly, and that is following the European Unions successful fight against this mammoth "evil giant" that has, so far, cost Google over $3 billion in fines for its "abuse of dominance". Failing in their attempt to take out President Trump by using their ANTIFA, Google then went on a rampage against all of their enemies, the most noted being their threat to cut off funding (estimated at $21 million a year) from the highly influential think tank New America Foundation unless they immediately fired their Google experts who are the most experienced in the world as to how this "evil giant" runs their monopoly and has corrupted the entire US government structure. Upon the New American Foundation firing all of their expert’s knowledgably about this "evil giant" Google, one of these researchers fired back a warning to the American people: "What Google did, in attempting to silence my colleagues, was in fact a call to action. It is a call to action for all of us, as citizens, to take back our democracy. We must begin a new era of trust-busting, of public utility regulation, of free and open commerce, and of citizen engagement in our political and commercial spheres. Our team was attacked by Google, but we will not be silenced. We will continue our research, advocacy, and speaking, because we know that it is working. This is a battle for America, and for free people everywhere. We must win it. We are winning it. Our freedom, and our children’s freedom, depends on it." To how grave this battle of the American people against Google really is, cannot be underestimated as this "evil giant" is now, also, reported to being pouring billions of its dollars into US collages and universities in order to corrupt them all, with one example being their multi-million dollar support of Dartmouth College lecturer Mark Bray who wrote a document titled "Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook", and when condemned by Dartmouth President Philip Hanlon for his advocating violence, Google ordered hundreds of professors to write a letter calling for Hanlons immediate ouster, not the ANTIFA supporting Mark Bray. We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.

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