Monday, September 25, 2017

When Zionist leaders say Peace.....they mean War!

EXCLUSIVE Interview with Maria Zakharova From UN HQ, New York on Trump, Pence, Russia

When Zionist leaders say Peace.....they mean War! It's the Jewish way! The Jews have been the synagogue of Satan for thousands of years, read history! Jews put innocent Jesus to death, as they refused to stop their wars, theft, rape, usury and slave trade of goyim, especially children. No Zionist Khazarian Jew will get eternal life, unless they stop their mafia and banking cartel! Only Orthodox Torah Jews who believe in Yeshua, will have hope for salvation. Jesus is the King of Gentiles, not filthy Murderous Traitorous Jews! Jews LIE 100% OF TIME! Beware of the Joo World Order, that's been their final game plan for centuries. God will annihilate them soon! The world will cheer when there are no more Khazarian Mafia Gangster Jews! They will be eternally BAR-B-QUE! The smell of their burning flesh will delight God, for the atrocities they have waged on humanity and children!

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