Friday, September 15, 2017

Cracks In The Wall: The World Wakes Up - David Icke

Whoever controls the mainstream media controls people's political, religious and economic opinions! Hollywood music and film industry are part of that same brainwashing! MK mind control is everywhere! People! Do not believe the mainstream media! Seek the truth via the alternative media! Wake up! We are being deceived big time! There has been cover up after cover up over what has been really going on! 9/11 was a false flag op to create the war on terror then ISIS then the Middle East civil war between Sunni and Shia muslims! Divide then conquer! Problem reaction solution!!!!Building 7 was a controlled demolition! These are facts! A building cannot be brought down by fire alone! Silverstein gave the instruction to "pull it" which is a demolition term! How can anyone believe the official story? The passport was a plant! The same people who lied to us about Iraq carried out 9/11. The fact is the truth will never come out because these people control the world! Everybody is bought and paid for.... Ken O'keefe! Odid Yinnon plan for a greater Israel!

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