Friday, September 1, 2017

Comey Must Be Held to Account

morning, I’m still reporting on: Comey Must Be Held to Account, 1774 Synopsis: The latest revelation on the quickly-deepening FBI scandal is that FBI Director James Comey drafted Hillary Clinton’s exoneration statement months before 17 prime witnesses, including Clinton, herself, were even interviewed. Presidential Attorney Jay Sukelow and former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleicher blasted Comey’s lawless actions. [insert] A petition has been mounted on Change.orp to force the FBI to release the Hillary Clinton email scandal documents it has in their possession. As of this moment, it has just passed the 15 thousand mark, but we need to hit 100,000 to make it mandatory for the President to look at it and deal with it. Here is our shortened URL to Mr. Clevenger’s petition. There will be a live link in the Description box below.

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