Saturday, September 16, 2017

Breaking: "North Korea Crisis McMaster Says "We're Running Out Of Time"

North Korea doesn't have the capability to send a nuclear all the way to the US. Their missiles can't even go pass over Japan. Nike Halley does not want to start a war with DPRK that will trigger a WW3 backed by China and Russia. On the other hand, Kim Jung Un is not that crazy either to attack the US, its just his rhetoric just as the same way Trump keep using his word to provoke a triggering response, seriously the US military complex need to stop invading sovereign nation just to steal resources and stop their regime change nonsense. North Korea won't be like Iraq sure I believe the US can bombed the country to smithereens just like what they did to Iraq but that won't be the end of it. War on the Korean Peninsula will be a serious and bigger one just like the 1952 War with devastating consequences on the people of both Korean including on the US soldiers stationed there.

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