Sunday, September 3, 2017

Americans Put a STOP to SOROS Sedition !! Petition Asks Trump To Declare Him a Terrorist

Our Holy Father in Heaven, God, has already given us all the power & authority over the devil & ruler of this world & gifted us with the "only" name under Heaven in which this authority is given, Christ Jesus.So, use it people!! Quit praying for God to fix everything. He's already given us all that we need!! Have Faith, Use ur God given Authority & Cast out & Bind the Evil in Jesus' name & Heaven will hear your command & see that its fulfilled!! STAND UP FOLLOWERS OF GOD, HAVE FAITH & USE YOUR AUTHORITY THAT GOD SAW FIT TO GIVE U!! HES FAITHFUL TO KEEP HIS PROMISES, SO GO AHEAD AND "RECIEVE" THEM!!

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