Wednesday, September 20, 2017


To people who sit in Government or on councils or lawmakers or enforce laws (crooked ) , or use corrupt ideas or use your great wealth for corrupt gain or profit. God Almighty will hold you to account for the things you do. God has never allowed anyone ,especially rich and powerful people ,to hurt their fellowman with out judgement!!!!!!! I wish all would listen to a Gospel song that Doyle Lawson sings. Part of a verse goes " when the lost are told of their fate ". This song tells it like it is. No matter where a person might be in a corrupt " chain of command " , you will be accountable for your actions. The drunkard , bartender , owner , one who issued the license , etc. will receive judgement. Mankind don't fear God Almighty anymore for 2 reasons. He has been silent toward mankind for thousands of years except the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the Church. People are saying in their hearts , things remain as they have been since the beginning of the world. This is already told in the Holy Bible as prophesy. The " Lord's Day " is still future , when He will bring destruction and judgement upon the sinners and unGodly of this world. No. 2 --------God is love and He would never hurt mankind. If you could just ask Adam and Eve , they would tell you different. God is also a consuming fire and God of wrath. IT'S NOT GOD'S WILL THAT ANYONE WOULD PERISH !!!!!!!!!!! During earth's history , God winked at mans ignorance , until Jesus Christ came preaching the Kingdom of God. Now , God commands mankind everywhere to repent or perish. Get saved today while there is time. Be born again by the Holy Spirit of God.

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