Thursday, August 17, 2017

WORLD CHAOS - Doomsday Clock Documentary 2017

PREPARE TO SURVIVE IN 2018...In 1947 the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist created a doomsday clock to symbolize how near the world to its End. Sometimes they move the hands clock forward or backward depending on how perilous the situation in the world are. But there is a countdown devised by God himself, different from the one created by man in 1947 this one never move backward, it is consistently moving forward and had started its countdown in 1948 -upon the restoration of IsraelThe Countdown to 2018 and why:1. The nation Israel is UNIQUE it is the only nation created by God (Amos 3:2)2. This nation is created by God in the days of Moises, if ever you have watched the movie '10 Commandments' that would help you remember the time when God delivered Israel from the bondage in Egypt to make them a nation of their own. Just like the Filipinos' once where enslaved by different countries but eventually attain independence and become a self governing nation, the difference is' Philippines is a country made by mere humans in contrast to Israel which were made by God3. After the creation of Israel God promised the nation that his Son (Jesus Christ) would be their king. (Isaiah 9:6)4. But when Christ appeared, the nation rejected the Son of God and have him killed in the torture stake5. Inflamed by their actions, God razed the nation to the ground in 70 A.D. and wipe them off the map, (if you were to examine a world map prior to '1948 edition' you will not find the name Israel in the map, the nation had vanished in the earth because of what God have done to it)6. But because of God's love to Abraham (you know Israel is a family nation the Israelite are literally brothers and sisters who have originated to Abraham their grand father [Romans 11:28]) God promised that he will rebuild the nation to give the Israelite a second chance to embrace Christ as their leader. 7. According to prophecy the allotted time given by God to the nation Israel is only 70 years, (Jeremiah 25:11,12) after which God will then kill all Israelite who would not accept Jesus Christ, it was also said that He will implicate all other nations and would kill all people all over the globe just like in what he did during the days of Noah and will spare none save the lives of those who have put their faith in Christ as the Son of God and the ruler of heaven and earth (Jeremiah 25:11-33)8. The COUNT DOWN of 70 years in Israel began in its restoration in 1948, so 1948+70=2018 (for detailed explanation visit In order to be saved one should put faith to Christ. According to Christ the I.D. that showed one's faith in him is LOVE. John 13:35 -"By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another"What is Love? the Bible answered"By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers -1 John 3:16"The lives in which we are required to lay down so that Christ could see us truly loving each other is the money. working for money is also called "working to earn a living" implying money=living. That sort of living are now required by God to be put to stop because it doesn't only make man no dignity without money, it is also killing this planet for profit.Jesus warned "it is easier for a camel to enter the needle's eye than for a man with his money to enter the Kingdom of God." The kingdom of God that we prayed "Thy Kingdom COME ON EARTH as it is in heaven," will come to rule the earth beginning 2018 and it will destroy all human being across the globe saved those Christians who lived holy and had already given up their money and have submitted to living just helping and sharing

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