Monday, August 14, 2017

Where We GO After Death? Mind Blow (National Geographic)

Soon we will be laughing at how neanderthal our thinking was when it's finally proven AS FACT that our consciousness survives death - in fact the physical world can't exist without consciousness. Consciousness came first - and the physical world next - and the universe is TEEMING with life - but less than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum can be seen by the human eye as "VISIBLE LIGHT." That doesn't mean life isn't there - we just cannot see it - or in the case of many people - even imagine it. It is also a tragedy how "scientists" close their eyes and minds to truth when it differs from their "belief system." Copernicus published his book about a helio-centric solar system 2 months before his death in 1548. It took 100 yrs to gather attention. When Galileo adopted the same ideas, he was put under house arrest for "heresy against the Catholic Church."

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