Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Where The Fk Are WE Going

The Event Is Coming Soon - Where The Fk Are WE Going

Witnessing the comings and goings of the various energies that we are experiencing at the moment, there no doubt there is a purpose for all of this. So much hype surrounding the eclipse seems to be driving people crazy, but I do wonder why! An event of this nature is a common thing in nature, in fact, there are at least 2 eclipses per year, so why the hype?
Our ancestors do not believe in witnessing the eclipse; they take this time to reflect and go inward, releasing what needs to, as well as planting the new. In some cases in history, the eclipse ended battles instantly, as it was deemed a sign from above! So there is plenty of mythology surrounding the eclipse.

Perhaps what is gripping the continental USA is the fact it is a rare event in their history; it is true one can see the clear divide in the country. Not only in the political arena but also within the citizens themselves. With so much anger, discrimination, hate, and racism being broadcast, it is hardly surprising the state of play.

A nation that promotes freedoms is one embroiled in its’ own identity crisis, yet decides to deflect this onto other issues. In fact, the USA is still at war internally, as well as externally – this principle we can apply to ourselves. For those that are awakening, it is the same battle – and one that matches the reality of a nation.

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