Monday, August 21, 2017

Solar Eclipse: Astrological Predictions and Donald Trump Craig talks about the upcoming solar eclipse and how it may affect the presidency of Donald Trump. He makes references to his other video “Psychic Predictions for 20217” and explains some of the predictions he made such as the divide in America and the street fighting and riots that may be happening in the riots in Charlottesville and the new divisions in America. Could the clashes in clashes that broke out over the weekend at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va be somehow related to the current Solar Eclipse? Democrats and Republicans alike denounced the violence but what will this mean for the presidency of Donald Trump?

On Monday August 21st 2017 we see the first solar eclipse since 1918 to go coast to coast in the USA. This happens when the new moon passes between the earth and the Sun blocking all of the sun’s rays from reaching the earth. The shadow, known as the umbra, passes over the USA from west to east with the darkest spot called the path of totality. There will be a 72% totality over New York and 81% totality over Washington.

So what does this mean from an astrological perspective? The Vedic astrologers are saying that the eclipse is very similar to the beginning of the Reign of Terror that began during the French Revolution, when Robespierre assumed power. Seven of the nine visible planets are in the exact same signs. This is a very, very rare occurrence. The shadow of the eclipse path passes within a few hundred miles of each Washington and Paris capitol.

At the time of an eclipse time great energy is present that forces changes and transformations to events. Feelings, thoughts and emotions are less controlled and the energy can lead to conflict that will eventually result in seeing new paths and ways of doing things. It can be a symbol of the rebirth of the sun that leads us from darkness into light. In astrology, eclipses are like a recipe for growth. They herald a time of rapid change, both within the individual and in outward circumstances. either from internal or external circumstances. People are forced to face change in a way that might be uncomfortable, but that ultimately lead to maturity. Lunar eclipses and solar eclipses are both times when sudden changes occur in the world.

The ancients believed that eclipses threatened the king and at times of a predicted eclipse and for the short period when an eclipse was happening a proxy king would take the throne until the danger had passed. President Donald Trump is our modern day equivalent of a king. Perhaps to safeguard his presidency he should appoint a proxy president for the USA!

In this video Craig also looks at more serious implications of the Solar Eclipse such as civic unrest and the possible fall of the value of the dollar.

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