Saturday, August 19, 2017

Peter Schiff : Freedom of Speech vs. the Thought Police

 Press Wants Freedom of Speech as Long as It Fits Their Agenda

One of the few rights left to us in this country is the freedom of speech.  If we don't defend speech that we find offensive, someone else will your speech offensive.  Political correctness, is evolving into the Thought Police via the mainstream media. In particular, President Trump's reaction to the events in Charlottesville is being portrayed as a defense of White Nationalists over Black Lives Matter. Nothing is President Trump's remarks supports this story.  President Trump, in the lobby of Trump Tower, was subjected to an inquisition by the Press, who intended to entrap the President and further their agenda to mischaracterize anyone who supports him.

Disrespecting Donald Trump and the Office of the President

I know very few members of the Press respect Donald Trump; this is clear.  But they need to respect the office of the Presidency.  Could you imagine members of the Press treating President Obama the way they are treating President Trump? Can you imagine the cries of racism? Of course, no member of the Press would dare show that type of disrespect to President Obama.

Condemning Violence on Both Sides

President Trump is refusing to denounce only the violence perpetrated  by the White Nationalists without also mentioning that the Black Lives Matter group, who assembled without a permit, also engaged in violence.  The Left is saying that President Trump has not denounced the White Nationalists enough. What the President said was that he was condemning the violence on both sides and that angered the left. They hold that the President should only condemn violence committed by the White Nationalists. That would be hypocritical. If you are going to condemn violence, that one must condemn it for everyone involved. The media wants to give Black Lives Matter and Antifa a pass.

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