Sunday, August 6, 2017

Isaac Asimov's Best Arguments Of All Time

this great man is long gone but still in my mind he is one of the true great humans, been reading his books from my early teens, now turning 60, still today brings me joy and happiness to read these great novels about the universe and "us" the humans of this great planet.but we have lost sight of how to treat our only living place in this waste universe. we cant go on and live like we do now, or soon its over for us. nature will give us a lesson soon, how to treat mother earth. we are ignorant and selfish beings. and it will cost us for sure. we have survived a long time, and maybe we can change things to come for the better, if we don't learn our lesson we are gone, thats a fact. Thanks mr Asimov for your mind and all your great books.

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