Thursday, August 17, 2017

Dr Paul Craig Roberts: #Charlottesville

 Dr Paul Craig Roberts: Charlottesville and “Trump the white supremacist” to the real issue, the powerful oligarchic interests that are fomenting conflict with Russia.

Dr. Roberts has a very clear picture of the deep state but I believe he is a little soft on Trump and the Zionist Bankers behind the deep state! True Trump is probably not in with the deep state but he has a few issues himself. He is a white supremest without question and wears the American exceptionalism flag! Trump's campaign rhetoric proved he has no sense of ethics and justice nor any knowledge of who runs America. This is evident from listening to his words on how to handle illegal Mexicans and that he would have just taken Iraq's oil(out right theft). (He is obviously unaware that the deep state did take the oil after completely devastating the country on lies). He appointed nothing but Zionists and warmongers to the most important positions and is very close to the war criminal Netanyahu. His handling of China and NK has brought us to the brink of Nuclear war. Trump would still be our best choice but only by a hair. Perhaps if he wasn't childishly stupid he would do some good for the world instead of the irreparable harm he has already leveled at it!

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