Thursday, August 24, 2017

David Icke - The Gutless Leading The Clueless

the mainstream media is actually like the ministry of truth.

antifa are fascists, but people are too dumb to work it out. Their actions mirror those of the Nazis in 1930's Germany to a tee. They can call themselves whatever they choose, it doesn't make it so. It's a lie. As for the SAA, they're also fascists in their own sick way. People need to wake up to these people. Their actions are so counter productive as well. They're turning people with anti Israeli sentiments - people with genuine grievances against an apartheid state - into antisemitic by labeling them so. I am far from antisemitic, but if that's what they insist on calling me, then so be it. If standing up against racism and apartheid makes me antisemitic then I must be - and I will not stop. Zionism is a cancer. It needs to be said. They control the media. That is not an opinion, it's a hard and fast fact. They do.

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