Monday, August 14, 2017

Breaking News , President Trump Latest News Today 8/14/2017 , Destroying North Korea In 15 Min

All that news about the so called racist chaos in Charlottesville, is all fake news, it was a setup. It's really sad, the kid was driven off the road by felonious assaults that freaked him out, he was only twenty, just driving through. The walk was not supposed to be there, they were run out of the park where they had their Permit, by Chillary's Goon Squad, by her Cartel Lackey Gov. Whatshisface. The woman killed is a case of felonious murder by the rioters who were (Antifa!)--the Marxist agitators trying to get the walkers/(some were veterans) to fight back, called provocateurs; anyway, the woman who was killed was their victim, it is called Felony Murder-she was killed in the committing of a crime of felony battery-they used baseball bats to attack and destroy the kid's car, he fled, the people were in the street and got run into in his fright to get away from the batterers. The FAKE Race Riot was all a set up, it was a birthday present from Chillary to George Sorrows! she planned it, she is his favorite media manipulator. A setup for fraudulent news dissemination i.e. subversive propagandizing for the purpose to harass Trump and try to start a race war, Chillary always wanted a race war. It is all for the Arabs by the NeoCons, will send links The really sad thing is they are actually going to charge that kid with murder! arserolas. TRUMP HAS TO FIND OUT THE TRUTH SO HE CAN PARDON THAT TWENTY YEAR OLD KID-Chillary's Goons are going to stick it to him, to perpetuate their Lie.

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