Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Anonymous - Operation Domestic Terrorism [PRESS RELEASE]

 Greetings, we are anonymous.

We stand with the people of Charlottesville who are instilling hope and optimism to its citizenry. It's quite clear that we do not stand with its citizens who are instilling fear and hate. The title of this operation explains the situation clearly. We are coming for those who have aligned themselves with the Ku Klux Klan, with Nazism, and with White Supremacy.

We will be watching over the innocent and punish those who lay a finger on them. This message isn't aimed at the president of the United States, or the Charlottesville government, or even the citizens who've done no wrong. This message is aimed at those who believe themselves the master race. We are coming for all of you.

In recent years anonymous has proved itself a valuable asset to human society. Indeed, operations and projects have failed, but many have succeed. This operation will succeed because we will not be tackling this alone. Ordinary people will stand by our side, and even if you don't stand by us, so long as you believe in good and righteousness, we will stand by you.

Operation Domestic Terrorism, engaged.

America, stay vigilant.

We are the common citizen.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
We already know who you are, expect us.

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