Saturday, July 15, 2017

Zionism : The Terrible Truth (+16)

Zionism is nothing more than an Elite form of Communism ! Satan does exist and Satan has infiltrated the Jewish religion in the effort of Conspiracy in order to take over the entire world ! In 1948 A.D. it was not the Jews who took over Palestine and created the state of Israel but instead it was the counterfeit Jews known as the Pharisees ! Jesus Christ referred to the Pharisees as the Children of Satan ! Just who are these Pharisee so called Jews ? Well they are known as the Ashkanazi Jews originating from Khazaria ! Their are two entirely different Jewish religions in the world ! Their is the fake and evil Ashkanazi Jewish religion with the "TALMUD" Bible constituting 86% of all Jews in the world and their is the real Sephardic Jewish religion with the "TORAH" Bible constituting 14% of all the Jews in the world ! Many. many people all throughout America believe that Satan himself wrote the Ashkanazi "TALMUD" Bible in order to conquer the entire world ! These same many, many people all throughout America believe that the Ashkanazi Jews are the Anti - Christ ! These very same many, many people all throughout America also believe that when the Christian Bible mentions Israel it is not referring to the state of Israel but instead it is referring to the people of the 10 lost tribes of Israel who have migrated to Northern Europe and then to the United States of America thus the United States of America is Israel ! In the Christian Bible it says that the home of the Anti - Christ will be in the state of Israel ! The flag of the state of Israel has the symbol of two blue stripes and those two blue stripes symbolize the Euphrates and Tigris rivers flowing through central part of the Middle East ! The goal of the Zionist state of Israel is to take over the entire Middle East ! Also the two largest enemies of the state of Israel are the United States of America and Russia ! Within the Christian Bible it says that Apocalyptic World War Three will be Magog vs Gog ! Magog is in reference to Mongolia and Gog is in reference to the United States of America ! It is known that the people of China are Mongolians and that the people of Russia are Mongolians ! The state of Israel has Zionist Agents all throughout Washington D.C. ! It is greatly believed that World War Three will be between Russia and the United States ! The Ashkanazi Jews of the state of Israel are setting America up to declare War upon Iran ! In the Christian Bible it says that Apocalyptic Thermonuclear World War Three will start when the United States of America declares War upon Iran ! The state of Israel is manipulating Russia to then Nuke all cities in the United States and vIce versa ! With both the United States of America and Russia totally annihilated then the state of Israel hopes to rise up and rule the entire world ! I truly hope that all of this does not come about but I really do believe that it probably will ! Best Wishes -- Joseph Stefurak

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1 comment:

  1. all about MACRON Jerusalem talk it wont work, wake up MACRON IT CANNOT WORK wake up: the future of Israel if it does not behave "doctor strange love " // Israel is a sick nation disturb psychologically and emotionally, it could be mend otherwise it will disappear, and that is a fact. so better return to the 1967 borders before is too late. as the coming changes Israel will not overcome. moreover, Rothschild this Jerusalem intentions shall be very dangerous for your lot. beware.
