Wednesday, July 5, 2017

The Greatest Ongoing Financial Scam in Modern History ~ The CAFR Reports

 Why do you pay taxes?
a: Because I'll go to jail!
Do you know where your taxes, registrations, fees, dues, lottery payments, etc. go once you send your hard earned money to the government???? No, you don't!
Much of the money we pay in goes into special administrative and investment funds under corporate filings. The overall larges funds in the US are called Fiduciary (Investments) and Enterprise (Day to day operations).. 70 years ago laws were passed in state, cities and municipalities that money that goes to investments and other interests may not be used to balance any budget deficits!
The money invested, gains interest and is funneled to the wealthy elite and onto the Vatican and City of London for their vig.

Here are four other important vid/docs on the founding, naming and ownership of Wash.D.C.

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