Monday, July 31, 2017

House Votes for 2nd Special Counsel To Probe Clinton, Obama, Comey & Lynch

 Good morning, I’m still reporting on: House Votes for 2nd Special Counsel To Probe Clinton, Obama, Comey & Lynch

Synopsis: It certainly has taken quite a while, but finally the House Judiciary has voted 15 to 13 to ask the Attorney General to appoint a 2nd Special Counsel to investigate what they called “the real criminals”, that is Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Loretta Lynch, et al.
It is obvious that this is not what pro-Clinton Special Counsel Robert Mueller has any interest in investigating.
The committee sent the Attorney General a list of 14 points that the special counsel should investigate, including:
• Allegations that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch instructed then-FBI Director James Comey to downplay the nature of the Clinton email probe
• The FBI and DOJ’s decisions in the course of the email probe, including controversial immunity deals with Clinton aide Cheryl Mills and others
• The State Department’s involvement in deciding which Clinton emails to make public
• Disclosures in WikiLeaks-released emails regarding the Clinton Foundation and, according to the letter, “its potentially unlawful international dealings”
• Connections between Clinton officials and “foreign entities” including Russia and Ukraine
• Revelations in hacked Democratic National Committee emails about “inappropriate” coordination between the DNC and Clinton campaign against Bernie Sanders’ Democratic primary campaign
• The “unmasking” of Americans in intelligence documents and potentially related leaks of classified information
• Comey’s admitted leak of details of his conversations with President Trump
• The FBI’s “reliance” on controversial firm Fusion GPS, which was involved in the questionable anti-Trump “dossier”

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