Thursday, June 8, 2017

What Is Reality?

 What if the very fabric of space and time was a code, or a language? A team of physicists and mathematicians with Los Angeles based Quantum Gravity Research are developing a new first-principles unified "theory of everything" they call Emergence Theory. Emergence Theory attempts to unify, through mathematical and scientific rigor, the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics... and consciousness.

This film is presented in layperson terms and explains basics tenets of emergence theory, quantum mechanics and digital physics in ways that are meant to be communicative and fun. However, if you'd like to read any of our scientific and more technical papers visit We update the site with new papers regularly.

Additionally, our YouTube channel (which you are on now) contains various videos and presentations that are far more math/physics-heavy, technical and detailed. We do hope you enjoy some of those as well.

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