Thursday, June 8, 2017

The Entire Globalist System is Falling Apart -- Harley Schlanger

 It has never been more evident that the entire globalist system is falling apart. While James Comey hung himself in the public square on Thursday, it was again revealed that the "official" mainstream media narrative about the Russians hacking the US election is filled with more holes than Swiss cheese, and the strategy to use these overt LIES to destroy Trump has only served to destroy the mainstream mockingbird liars themselves.

There is no better example of this fact than the disastrous Megyn Kelly interview with Vladimir Putin. The Russian statesman absolutely destroyed the blonde haired mockingbird, much to the amusement of the audience watching. But as noted in this interview, the Russian hacking narrative has had a multi-fold purpose.

As Harley Schlanger explains, "It's these same networks of the deep state that support terrorism, that are the ones that are trying to keep Trump from working with Putin (to prevent world war 3)."

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