Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Either Bitcoin Will Fail Because Govt Will Outlaw It OR BTC Is A Govt Invention To Enslave. Pick One

Even China Can't Kill Bitcoin https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2017-02-24/even-china-can-t-kill-bitcoin Nobody, no individual and no central power or government can control, manipulate, ban, hack or kill a worldwide distributed open-source peer-to-peer cryptographically secured decentralised system. Bitcoins will continue to increase in value, more than gold and silver, there will only be 21 million bitcoins ever, they are cryptographically and mathematically secured, it is decentralized, so can't be banned, co-opted or confiscated/stolen by any central group or government, you hold your own private keys. The future economy is digital and decentralized.

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