Monday, June 19, 2017

BREAKING: This Means WAR After What Russia Just Vowed To Do To The United States Any Day Now

After six long years, the Syrian Civil War may be pushed into a full-scale world war after what happened this past weekend. It was revealed that the United States military shot down a Syrian bomber since it was targeting U.S. backed forces. And, you can guess that Vladimir Putin was not too pleased by this action, and has issued a chilling warning.

When Barack Obama was president, Putin had become rather used to being able to push Obama around. For instance, during Obama’s administration, he routinely failed to match his tough talk with his actions. Obama sounded stern when he told Syrian President Bashar not to cross the “red line”, and when Bashar crossed that line there were never any real consequences.

Well, finally after 8 long years of having weak leadership in the White House we have elected President Trump. And, Trump is not about to be pushed around by anyone including Russia or Syria.

So, this past Sunday a US Navy F/A-18E Super Hornet shot down a Syrian SU-22 jet. According to American sources, the Syrian plane had earlier bombed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) near the ISIS capital of Raqqa. Of course, when this happened the Russians were not too pleased about it and tensions are escalating rapidly between the world powers. Now, Russia has claimed that they will shoot down ANY places west of the Euphrates, which could very well mean American planes too.
At the moment the details on what happened yesterday are still a little hazy, but this is what we know. According to various sources, the Syrian jet was being operated by pilots that are loyal to al-Assad. The Syrian jet was in the process at the time of firing upon ISIS targets. However, there have been conflicting reports that say the jet was retaking Raqqa from ISIS.

Here is more from Breitbart:
The U.S.-led coalition announced that it shot down the Syrian plane “in accordance with rules of engagement and in collective self-defense of coalition-partnered forces.”

“The demonstrated hostile intent and actions of pro-regime forces toward coalition and partner forces in Syria conducting legitimate counter-ISIS operations will not be tolerated,” the coalition stated.

According to the U.S. military, the pilot of the Syrian plane was able to eject.

“The attack stresses coordination between the US and ISIS, and it reveals the evil intentions of the US in administering terrorism and investing it to pass the US-Zionist project in the region,” the Syrian government responded.

The Washington Post notes it was the first American downing of a Syrian jet since U.S. forces entered Syria’s civil war in 2014, the first time a U.S. plane brought down a manned hostile aircraft in over a decade, and the fourth time in a month the U.S. military has been obliged to fire on pro-regime forces.

The Post reports that U.S. commanders used a special “deconfliction channel” to contact Russia before firing on the Syrian plane, in an effort to prevent the situation from escalating, and also conducted a “show of force” to warn Syrian forces away before resorting to live fire.

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