Sunday, June 4, 2017

10 Signs You Should Prepare For The Imminent Economic Collapse 2017 Stock Market CRASH!

 Are you prepared for the Coming Economic Collapse and the Next Great Depression? The economic forecast for 2017 is more than bleak, and there is more than enough economic data out there to show there could be an economic collapse and stock market crash in 2017.

 The following are 10 signs that the economic collapse and stock market crash that the experts have been warning about is now here…

#1 According to Challenger, the number of job cuts in May was 71 percent higher than it was in May 2016.
#2 We just witnessed the third worst drop in U.S. construction spending in the last six years.
#3 U.S. manufacturing PMI fell to an 8 month low in May.
#4 Financial stocks have lost all of their gains for the year, and some analysts are saying that this is “a terrible sign”.
#5 One new survey has found that 39 percent of all millionaires “plan to avoid investing in the coming month”.  That is the highest that figure has been since December 2013.
#6 After an initial bump after Donald Trump’s surprise election victory, U.S. consumer confidence is starting to fall.
#7 Since Memorial Day, Radio Shack has officially shut down more than 1,000 stores.
#8 Payless has just increased the number of stores that it plans to close to about 800.
#9 According to the Los Angeles Times, it is being projected that 25 percent of all shopping malls in the United States may close within the next five years.
#10 Over the past 12 months, the number of homeless people living in Los Angeles County has risen by a  staggering 23 percent.

The economic collapse is imminent . The second financial bubble is going to soon burst, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. The Federal Reserve has set up the American economy for financial collapse for printing trillions of dollars back in 2008 and 2009.

“The Federal Reserve’s policies of printing trillions of dollars back in ’08-09 have locked into place a serious economic crisis and stock market crash at some point in our future,” Going so far as to intimate the financial collapse and market crash will occur at least some time in the next two years, “It’s unavoidable, and even Donald Trump can’t stop it.”
Top economists predict that within the next 18-24 months, the imminent economic collapse will happen. The Federal Reserve’s policies of printing trillions of dollars back in ’08-09 have locked into place a serious financial crisis, economic collapse and stock market crash….

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

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