Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Trump Has Turned The Tables On The Deep State, He Is Now Going After Them

The corporate media is pushing the fake news of Russian collusion and they are trying everything to get Trump out of office. Trump's lawyer is now being subpoenaed to appear in front of congress. Kushner is now changing his stance on climate change. State Dept is trying to go around the President's order on the border. The deep state plans are unravelling and they struggling to stop it. Trump has turned the tables on them.After Trump meets with Saudi Arabia, Putin is now meeting with them to setup the oil deal with Russia and China. South Korea President shocked to find out that there are more THAAD systems than the government is reporting. Russia says unidentified planes are supporting the IS in Afghanistan. McCain says Russia is worse than the IS. The deep state setting up a system to take control of Syria.

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