Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Nuclear Waste Tunnel Collapses In Washington State (May 10, 2017 Headlines)

 Hundreds of workers at the Department of Energy’s Hanford nuclear site in Washington state had to “take cover” Tuesday morning after the collapse of 20-foot-long portion of a tunnel used to store contaminated radioactive materials.

The Energy Department said it activated its emergency operations protocol after reports of a “cave-in” at the 200 East Area in Hanford, a sprawling complex about 200 miles from Seattle where the government has been working to clean up radioactive materials left over from the country’s nuclear weapons program.

FORMER US president, Barack Obama, has called on America and China to “lead the way” in the fight against climate change.
Speaking as the future of the landmark Paris climate accord hangs in the balance, he acknowledged differences with his successor Donald Trump, but said the private sector also had a role to play.

The father of a black teenage boy fatally shot in the head while in a car that was driving away from a policeman has sued the Dallas-area officer for excessive force over the incident that has stoked simmering debate about racial bias in U.S. policing.

President Trump’s sudden firing of FBI Director James B. Comey is bad for the country and will not be the end of the Trump-Russia affair, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) told a group of foreign diplomats and experts Tuesday night.

WASHINGTON — Less than a week into the Trump administration, Sally Q. Yates, the acting attorney general, hurried to the White House with an urgent concern. The president’s national security adviser, she said, had lied to the vice president about his Russian contacts and was vulnerable to blackmail by Moscow.

Senior Trump administration and military officials are recommending sending several thousand additional American troops to Afghanistan to try to break a military deadlock in the 15-year war there, in part by pressuring the Taliban to negotiate with the Afghan government.

As if airlines in the U.S. don’t have enough trouble on their hands, a Southwest Airlines jet coming into the gate at a California airport was the scene of a full-blown fistfight, another on-plane incident that was caught on cellphone video.

The Mexican government joined a sampling of local Texas officials in slamming the state's new ban on sanctuary cities signed by Gov. Greg Abbott (R).

On Sunday, Abbott signed a bill allowing police to question any suspect's immigration status, requires local officials to cooperate with ICE and fines municipalities up to $25,000 per day for noncompliance with the law.

(CNN)Donald Trump Jr. took an Indiana victory lap Monday, speaking at the state Republican party's spring dinner just more than one year after the state's primary propelled his father toward the presidential nomination

But has there ever been anything like Trumpcare, the health legislation Republicans rammed through the House last week? It’s a miserably designed law, full of unintended consequences. It’s a moral disaster, snatching health care from tens of millions mainly to give the very wealthy a near-trillion-dollar tax cut.

Bible Prophecy predicts Babylon the Great (America) Being destroyed in one hour by Russia & Iran in world war 3. Donald Trump will be the last president of the united states before the return of Jesus Christ so save the scattered 12 tribes of Israelites and saved Gentiles from destruction.

Trump's firing of the high-profile FBI director on the 110th day since the president took office marked another sudden turn for an administration that has fired its acting attorney general, national security adviser and now its FBI director, whom Trump had praised until recent weeks and had even blew a kiss to during a January appearance.

The news stunned Comey, who saw news of his dismissal on TV while speaking inside the FBI office in Los Angeles. It startled all but the uppermost ring of White House advisers, who said grumbling about Comey hadn't dominated their own morning senior staff meetings.

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