Thursday, May 25, 2017


 Dark Journalist Introduces Six Part Video Series: The New Age Deep State - Documenting Decades of Disinformation & Subterfuge Efforts Against Independent Thought

In this exciting part 1 of 6 episodes of an in-depth series on the New Age Deep State, Dark Journalist focuses on covert forces working to dilute and control the narrative around The Black Budget project known as The Secret Space Program. The research done on this important topic by reliable investigators trying to find a key to the missing trillions involved has been effectively co-opted and mixed with disinformation stories by a multi-pronged marketing plan that is just ramping up.

The SSP Whistleblower Spectacle
In the last few episodes of Dark Journalist, we have brought forward the revelations of Project Avalon's Bill Ryan who questioned the veracity of Gaia TV Whistleblower Corey Goode who claims to be a time traveling astronaut. Ryan showed many holes in Goode's story and suggested his narrative was created mostly for entertainment purposes.

The unfortunate impact of Goode's case is that genuine inquiries into the real Secret Space Program are being associated with his bizarre tale of being part of a phantom space alliance. Dark Journalist asks the question, is it by design and also presents shocking information of an extensive 3 year shadow marketing effort meant to cash in on this exploitative spin of UFO and SSP research for media interests in comic books, video games and TV shows.

History of Disinformation Efforts Against The New Age Movement
From it's inception in the early 20th century to the present, Dark Journalist tracks the growth of a vital movement that became a threat to intelligence agencies and corporate interests because of its decidedly spiritual focus. The foundation laid by pioneers like Rudolf Steiner and Helena Blavatsky provided large scale movements towards intentional communities, bio dynamic farming, yoga, psychic experience and the quest for spiritual consciousness.

Mind Control: Savior Programming
The New Age Movement has become targeted by exploitative marketing forces and Mind Control Intel Projects so that it's direction could be controlled and manipulated at will. Now it is being used as a tool to confuse the issue of the Secret Space Program as the covert operators in both shadow marketing and intel psyops plan to use Savior Programming to create a masquerade of Alien Messiahs coming to save the environment.

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