Friday, May 19, 2017

Gerald Celente Globalists Are Going To Collapse World Economy

 Lastest update Gerald Celente Globalists Are Going To Collapse World Economy

At the helm of the Trends Research Institute, Gerald Celente returns with comments on gold and US equities. Geopolitical events are escalating amid saber rattling with Syria and North Korea - such events oftentimes result in market trends with key implications for global investors. Although the post-election rally in US shares is impressive, a reaction is necessary to sustain the upward momentum. Still, with sluggish retail sales via the "Retail Apocalypse," Wall Street may continue to rally while Main Street stagnates. Global currency volatility is improving the appeal of alternatives, such as gold and Bitcoin. Once the yellow metal crosses $1,400, Gerald Celente anticipates a new bull rally will drive the precious metal above the former 2011 peak to $2,000 an ounce. The Trends Journal compares cannabis legalization to 1933 and the end of prohibition. For instance, Canada recently decriminalized cannabis and many US states allow recreational / medicinal usage. Colorado is earning more tax revenue on a medicinal herb than on toxic potent potables. Gerald Celente and the host question why yet another tiny impoverished county with millions of starving, honest, hardworking souls, is the target of the world's most potent military force.
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