Monday, May 29, 2017

AMAZING: President Donald Trump Speaks at Arlington Cemetery Memorial 5-29-17

 President Trump Gives Remarks at a Wreath Laying Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery
The White House

President Donald Trump Speaks at wreath laying ceremony Arlington National Cemetery Memorial day

President Donald Trump has only one publicly scheduled event on Memorial Day. He will participate in the annual wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on the grounds of the Arlington National Cemetary at 11:00 AM eastern time. The ceremony is an Armed Forces Full Honors tribute to fallen service members. The wreath-laying will be followed by an observance program hosted by the Department of Defense in the Memorial Amphitheater.
Both the wreath-laying ceremony and the observance program are free and open to the general public. No tickets are needed to attend these events. Space is limited to standing room only for the wreath-laying ceremony and seating is available on a first come, first-served basis in the amphitheater. Attendees are encouraged to be at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier or seated in the amphitheater by 9:30 a.m.

10:35 AM Depart the White House for Arlington, Virginia – South Portico
10:55 AM Delivers remarks at a wreath-laying ceremony – Arlington National Cemetery
12:10 PM Arrives at the White House – South Portico
Memorial Day
Armed Services
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