Saturday, April 15, 2017

Michael Savage Asks, 'Is Trump's War Over?'

Dr. Michael Savage is a multimedia icon in the conservative movement, heard by 10 million listeners a week on “The Michael Savage Show” and syndicated across the U.S. in more than 300 markets. He is also the author of 25 books, including four New York Times best-sellers. In 2007, his media presence and profile earned him the coveted “Freedom of Speech Award” from Talkers Magazine. His passion to unearth the truth about liberalism, borders, language and culture, and his unparalleled stand for America’s families, has made him the most important figure in the fight for free speech and ideals in America today. He is the only member of the U.S. media ever blacklisted and banned from a Western nation. His ban from visiting Britain in June 2009 has made him the “poster child” for free speech, not only for Americans concerned about the cultural shift towards totalitarianism and their rights to freedom of expression, but for people around the globe. In mid-2009, this worldwide media attention concerning the ban resulted in a New Yorker magazine profile of him. Savage’s first novel, “Abuse of Power,” became a New York Times best-seller in September. The thriller is a fictionalized account of being banned from Britain and hunted by overbearing governments. Dr. Savage holds a master’s degree in medical botany and a second in medical anthropology. Additionally, he earned his PhD. from the University of California at Berkeley in epidemiology and nutrition sciences. He is an ardent conservationist, is dedicated to his family and is a proud patriot of his country. Read more at

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1 comment:

  1. Good & evil
    Good and evil does not exist, what does exist is a point once that particular point is put in motion, a question arises. Time becomes part of this motion, however time is impartial neither good or bad. Is how you estimate time that will give you a good result or a bad result. Soros is both a anti globalist and a globalist in time and space. However, his timing has lead him to assimilate the globalist, rather than the humanist. He assimilates the humanism as a globalist. However, both exist on one state of motion. As the motion reaches his previous point an instantaneous new point emerges and we return to the question of good and evil. Is just a question of time. For instance, Syria bombing and Syrian chemical toxic realm. Two ways appear action or no action, which is the same good & evil. timing and the result of the particular reason for acting at that timing determines the outcome, which is forward or a return to the motion point.
    in other words, what you call a return of motion to a fix point; can be translated to a static wheel, the wheel turns but remains static, as it returns to his point of motion. things repeat themselves, evolution, occurs only technologically however the return to the starting point keeps one side slowly evolving while the other side remaining static.
