Friday, April 28, 2017

After North Korea, Trump Turns Now to Saudi Arabia

It’s Over: Right After North Korea, Trump Just Took Down Saudi Arabia

During the campaign last year, President Donald Trump promised he would put America first and protect our country. First came North Korea. They were very bad. Trump laid the hammer hard on them.

Now, as of last night, the President has turned his attention to a whole new issue: Saudi Arabia. Looks like he is sick and tired of paying for them to spread radical Wahabi Islam.

Last night Trump said,

“Frankly, Saudi Arabia has not treated us fairly, because we are losing a tremendous amount of money in defending Saudi Arabia.”
Thank God someone is finally looking to hold them accountable. Remember back on the campaign when he said something similar?

“Nobody’s going to mess with Saudi Arabia because we’re watching them. They’re not paying us a fair price. We’re losing our shirt.”

And you can never forget this…
So yeah, it looks like President Trump is not ready to play b*tch to the Saudi royal family just yet. The Bushes, Clintons, and Obamas may have, but Trump is a whole new kind of President.

If you are glad to see our leader finally saying what all of us have been thinking, then help him share it out.

I, for one, hope he takes it further and calls them out for all the horrible crap that they do. Why do we even help a country with pure Sharia law and horribly abused women? It’s just sad…

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