Thursday, March 9, 2017

CONFIRMED: #WIkileaks is Right about CIA Spying

Top NSA Technical Director Confirm’ NSA:CIA Spying Capabilities

It’s all true – all our worst nightmares about electronic intrusion by the so-called “mad scientists” of the technocracy inside the CIA and NSA are all true – or mostly true. Last night on Sean Hannity’s show, my old friend, Bill Binney and Col. Tony Schaffer made an appearance to confirm the recent Wikileaks revelations about the capabilities of CIA and NSA to spy on us all. Although Sean didn’t include this to emphasize the importance of Mr. Binney, his title in the NSA was Technical Director of the World for the Geopolitical and Military Analysis and Reporting Group. In other words, he was the top technical guy in NSA. He knows their capabilities better than anyone.

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