Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Clif High Warns : The Chaos Starts Middle of March

 Internet data mining expert Clif High says his latest research shows the mainstream legacy media is fearful. High predicts “1/3 of our broadcast media personalities . . . those famous faces, will either be arrested or flee the country” over sex trafficking or the cover-up of it.

High also has new data on dramatic price movements for gold, silver, Bitcoin and all sorts of chaos starting in the middle of March. High says that Trump has basically caught a wave of change and “Trump is a very good surfer.” High says don’t expect Donald Trump to be removed from office. High says, “The Trump rally, in terms of his popularity, will keep rising.”

High will also update us on revelations in Antarctica and has new information about Mars. More and more technology is going to be coming to the surface, and it will change humanity.

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Clif High of HalfPastHuman.com.

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