Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Alert USA To Confront China: South China Sea WW3 Martial Law Dollar Collapse Video 2017

 The conflict is routed in history. Many Chinese view the South China Sea as their territory, because Chinese emperors claimed the body of water as part of their empire. During the 19th and 20th centuries, the Chinese felt humiliated when British, Japanese and American navies took control of the South China Sea. Some Chinese patriots view the reoccupation of the South China Sea as the beginning of the rise of their nation to superpower status. Part of this worldview is the belief that China will one day supplant America as the world’s dominant power.The US Navy is patrolling in the area, increasing the possibility of conflict.
“With the US Navy sailing more and more in the area, there’s a high possibility there will be an accident,” an unidentified Chinese Navy officer told Newsweek.
China’s military power is no match for America’s at present – but that doesn’t mean a conflict won’t happen. It also assumes other nations won’t get involved. As Newsweek noted, “history is riddled with wars that appeared to make no sense.”Discover The Secrets Of The Word’s Top Survivalists!A dangerous wild card in the South China Sea is Russia. The Morning Post reported that the Japanese government is studying the possibility of naval cooperation between Russia and China in the South China Sea. Russia is selling China large amounts of modern weaponry, including fighter jets and missile defense systems.North Korea has boasted about the successful completion of its latest ballistic missile test which demonstrated Pyongyang’s capability to launch a pre-emptive strike on South Korea’s ports and airfields hosting the “US imperialists' nuclear war hardware.”Pyongyang launched three projectiles in the eastward direction between 5:45am and 6:40am Tuesday, from an area near the North Korean city of Hwangju. The missiles, two Scuds, and one Rodong, flew some 500 to 600 kilometers before crashing into the East Sea, South Korea's joint chiefs of staff announced. The distance is more than that required to hit any part of South Korea Pyongyang launched three missiles Tuesday morning in the latest in a set of controversial ballistic tests, according to South Korea’s military, which claimed the projectiles had a range of up to 600 kilometers (360 miles).The three missiles were launched from the North’s east coast into the sea at between 5:45am and 6:20am local time. The missiles, presumed to be Scud-types, have enough range to reach all of South Korea, South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said, adding that South Korea's military is keeping a close eye on the developments.China aims to launch a series of offshore nuclear power platforms to promote development in the South China Sea, state media said again on Friday, days after an international court ruled Beijing had no historic claims to most of the waters.overeignty over the South China Sea is contested by China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan, and any move to build nuclear reactors is bound to stoke further tension in the region.The China Securities Journal said 20 offshore nuclear platforms could eventually be built in the region as the country seeks to "speed up the commercial development" of the South China Sea.Washington’s announcement it will continue its operations in the South China Sea has drawn a sharp response from China. Beijing has warned that USA intervention may not be a good idea, naming conflicts in the Middle East as examples.
"Western countries have a long history of failing to establish orderly rule over parts of the world. The Middle East is a classic example," Chinese state news agency Xinhua said on Wednesday, adding that "[t]heir intervention has led to chaos in Syria, Iraq and Libya." Saying that countries outside the region might only cause more problems in the dispute, Beijing has warned them to stay out

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