Monday, February 6, 2017

Trump Admits : Putin is not The Only Killer !!

Does Bill O'Reilly actually believe American presidents aren't killers?
America is far worse than Russia when it comes to war crimes and corruption and of course lies

 President Donald Trump Full Super Bowl Interview with Bill O'Reilly on Fox News - February 5, 2017

Billy O’Reilly recently called his pre-Super Bowl sit-down with President Donald Trump “the most important interview of my life.” Well, with the much-hyped Q&A now one for the history books, would you say the right-leaning Fox News personality rose to the occasion?

During the pair’s civil 10-minute face-off, O’Reilly grilled the media-bashing POTUS on a number of hot topics. Herewith are some highlights:

* O’Reilly pointed out that the refugee ban rollout was a bit of a mess, but Trump was having none of it, insisting, “It was very smooth.”

* Trump did not deny reports that he threatened to invade Mexico to deal with the country’s drug cartel problem during his call with president Enrique Peña Nieto. “He’s got a problem, and it’s a real problem for us,” he said. “Those cartels are operating in our country and they’re poisoning the youth of our country. They have problems controlling certain aspects of their country.”

* Asked if taxpayers will see some relief from Uncle Sam this year, Trump hedged, “I think so.”

* Trump’s promised Obamacare replacement? It might not be ready until “next year.”

* On whether it’s hit him yet that he’s President. “The other day I walked into the main entrance of the White House and I said to myself, ‘This is amazing,'” he marveled, before adding, “But you have to get over it because there’s so much work to be done.”

* He’s rooting for the Patriots. “Tom Brady is my friend,” he conceded. “You have to stick up for your friends, right?” (Trump added that he thinks Trump will prevail over the Falcons “by eight points.”)

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