Monday, February 6, 2017

Texe Marrs Investigating The Jewish Bloodline

Jeff Rense & Texe Marrs Investigating The Jewish Bloodline

About Texe Marrs: Texe Marrs was assistant professor of aerospace studies, teaching American Defense Policy, strategic weapons systems, and related subjects at the University of Texas at Austin from 1977 to 1982. He has also taught international affairs, political science, and psychology for two other universities. A graduate Summa Cum Laude from Park University, Kansas City, Missouri, he earned his Master’s degree at North Carolina State University.

As a career USAF officer (now retired), he commanded communications-electronics and engineering units. He holds a number of military decorations, including the Vietnam Service Medal and the Presidential Unit Citation, and served in Germany, Italy, and throughout Asia. He was chosen Airman of the Year while serving in Korat Air Base, Thailand. He is a Well-known author of three #1 national Christian bestsellers, including the landmark bestselling book, Dark Secrets of the New Age, Texe Marrs has also written 42 other books on the topics of conspiracy,zionism,and the Illuminati. He is also president of the power of prophecies ministries,and has his own radio show on the internet called "Power of Prophecy". Texe Marrs has received media coverage for his position on the OKC Bombing being carried out by factions within the U.S. government, and saying that Hillary Clinton is a 'doctrinaire Marxist".

Well-known author of three #1 national Christian bestsellers, including the landmark bestselling book, Dark Secrets of the New Age, Texe Marrs has also written 42 other books for such major publishers as Simon & Schuster, John Wiley, McGraw-Hill, Prentice Hall/Arco, Stein & Day, and Dow Jones-Irwin. His books have sold millions of copies and have been published in many foreign languages, including Turkey, Greece, Romania, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. They have been featured as main selections of the Christian Book Club, the Conservative Book Club, and the Computer and Electronics Book Clubs.

Texe Marrs was assistant professor of aerospace studies, teaching American Defense Policy, strategic weapons systems, and related subjects at the University of Texas at Austin from 1977 to 1982. He has also taught international affairs, political science, and psychology for two other universities. A graduate Summa Cum Laude from Park University, Kansas City, Missouri, he earned his Master's degree at North Carolina State University.

President of Power of Prophecy Ministries and RiverCrest Publishing in Austin, Texas, Texe Marrs is a frequent guest on radio and TV talk shows throughout the U.S.A. and Canada in response to the public's search for greater insight into Bible prophecy, secret societies, politics, and world affairs. His latest books are Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star—Eye-Opening Revelations and Forbidden Knowledge About Israel, the Jews, Zionism, and the Rothschilds; Codex Magica: Secret Signs, Mysterious Symbols, and Hidden Codes of the Illuminati; Mysterious Monuments: Encyclopedia of Secret Illuminati Designs, Masonic Architecture, and Occult Places; and the highly acclaimed Conspiracy World: A Truthteller's Compendium of Eye-Opening Revelations and Forbidden Knowledge.

In addition to his many books, Texe Marrs has produced over 30 bestselling video documentaries, including the investigative exposé, Die, America, Die!—The Illuminati Plan to Murder America, Confiscate Its Wealth, and Make Red China Leader of the New World Order, as well as Rothschild's Choice—Barack Obama and the Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America, a #1 national bestseller at Texe Marrs' monthly newsletter is distributed to tens of thousands of subscribers around the world. His radio program, Power of Prophecy, is beamed by shortwave radio and internet to nations around the globe.

Transcript : Texe Marrs his new book DNA science and 0:29 the Jewish bloodline is a knockout 0:32 so much so that Texas are to getting 0:34 threats that's a one of those books that 0:37 is not supposed to be written let alone 0:39 read by people but text wrote it and it 0:42 is being read and the tribe doesn't like 0:45 that we have myths to expose tonight we 0:49 did about one-and-a-half on Monday 0:52 there's so much material and I asked 0:53 text they like to come back tonight and 0:55 he was very very much interested in that 0:58 he's here we're going to talk more about 1:00 some of the myths of the Jews this hour 1:03 and just like myths of the Catholic 1:05 Smith's of the Hindus and anyway myths 1:08 in general 1:09 hello Tex and welcome back hello Jeff 1:12 great to be back with you here 1:14 how's the book well that the the book is 1:17 doing great but it's things like so many 1:21 people or just Bob frightened anymore it 1:24 were 1:25 we're reaching perhaps a critical mass 1:27 yeah I'll least judging from the sales 1:30 of the book and people are beginning to 1:32 say i want the truth about this and that 1:34 you know that they're beginning to see 1:36 Jews controlling every aspect of 1:39 American society well it's the damn 1:41 truth India it is you know even though 1:45 they released some types from of the 1:48 that President Richard Nixon the last to 1:52 the Nixon tapes yeah there you go and he 1:55 had so much fail and giusti the press 1:57 put it out there and said see what a big 2:00 it is but I read it and I mean goodness 2:03 gracious there's the guy of you know 2:06 exposing homosexuality exposing the bed 2:11 the Jews and he was sick and tired of it 2:15 and of course that I I appreciated that 2:17 myself 2:18 he uh he set up if I have a second term 2:21 i'm going to do something about it 2:23 that's what he actually told his 2:25 associates and Billy Graham when he came 2:27 to visiting in the White House 2:30 that's right he never got the 2:31 opportunity because they obviously I i 2:34 believe they had their wiretap in the 2:36 White House the Israeli Mossad 2:39 and they said we've got to stop this guy 2:41 and his vice president and vice 2:44 president Spiro Agnew Jeff and they took 2:47 out the spirit Agnew first because they 2:50 knew if they took at President Nixon 2:53 first then agni would become president 2:55 and Agnew was even more an enemy of the 2:59 Zionist that was then was the president 3:02 nixon at agnese boy in my book 3:06 conspiracy the six-pointed star have a 3:08 letter from him out but where he says 3:11 America's is being ruined by the Jews 3:14 young and then they ruined him didn't 3:16 they really didn't you know the problem 3:18 is is that the vast majority not not all 3:23 the Jews in the United States but 3:25 they're seven-and-a-half million about 3:28 two-and-a-half percent of American 3:29 people are Jews I and these people do 3:32 not believe they have any allegiance to 3:35 the United States at all Schumer and 3:38 Senator and all the others they go to 3:41 Congress to see what they can get and do 3:43 for Israel that you know that they will 3:47 tell you they wake up every morning and 3:49 say what can I do for Israel today 3:51 that's that's abnormal that these people 3:54 were born in America 3:55 yeah given all the rights and privileges 3:59 I'm just an old country boy you know I 4:00 came from a small town in these Texas 4:02 but I appreciate everything I got up but 4:06 that they don't they 4:08 herb asking themselves what can we do 4:12 for Israel and when they consider 4:14 legislation the first question in these 4:16 Jews mind is is this good for Israel and 4:21 it's just a it's got everything 4:23 backwards but it's because they have 4:25 been brainwashed all their lives copies 4:28 people as we as we noticed the other 4:30 night or not true 4:32 goose they're not even Jews their cases 4:35 ours and so that they have a 4:39 problem themselves and many of them are 4:41 just learning that for my book and other 4:43 sources that they are k-source I think 4:46 they're shocked and I'm having a people 4:50 that are just angry at me and saying 4:51 this cannot be true 4:53 where did you get this information I've 4:55 never heard of his Johns Hopkins Medical 4:57 University study well the study that I 5:01 site is a brand new study a definitive 5:04 study is one of the myths of the Jews of 5:07 by dr. uh al Rahman al hike 5:11 I of Johns Hopkins Medical University 5:14 he's with the acoustic make those 5:17 genetic institute and get this jeff he 5:21 is a Jew either it was born in Israel he 5:25 spent seven years in the Israeli Defense 5:27 Forces he's now you're in the United 5:30 States and he wrote this really do this 5:33 brilliant study and then discovered that 5:36 the Jews according to DNA or not do they 5:39 have no connection with the nation of 5:42 Israel they've never made that they've 5:45 never lived there their ancestors never 5:48 live there no curse and this is this is 5:51 so the Christians need to wake up if you 5:54 really want to help Israel how you 5:57 cannot do it there's some other people 5:59 it's like well I i love Israel i'm going 6:02 to help Israel so you see him brings to 6:06 Japan 6:07 yeah I don't think I know where you're 6:09 going with this and you're right hundred 6:11 percent right you want to help Israel 6:13 and Israelis in terms of their actual 6:16 DNA and bloodlines you help the 6:18 Palestinians that's right exactly 6:22 and by the way dr. like is not the first 6:23 to find this out the 2001 they had a a 6:27 big DNA study by dr. Oppenheim of hebrew 6:31 university dr dan growl of the 6:33 University of Houston he won the 6:35 Humboldt prize went over to Germany and 6:38 receive it from the president he is 6:40 editor of genome biology and evolution 6:44 journal and he also found the same thing 6:47 and it leads us back to the Bible where 6:50 it says in 1st Timothy and 6:52 is for out that Christians should pay no 6:56 heed to the foolishness of genealogies 7:01 that jump you know you and I i don't 7:03 know how many years we've been friends 7:05 but I don't recall ever asking you what 7:09 race you were 7:11 I mean you I'm not playing my best 7:13 important my genetic heritage is Italian 7:17 German and a little Irish there you go 7:21 that's a good mixture i like that well 7:23 but if I never considered important i 7:25 just know the jet printer now I like you 7:27 is jeff with we were supposed to another 7:29 major perfect judge people on the basis 7:32 of who they are and what they represent 7:33 as human beings there you go 7:36 and that's why the Bible that don't pay 7:38 any heed their unprofitable their vain 7:41 when you get into the what he calls the 7:43 foolishness of genealogy so that's the 7:45 first big myth and I'm glad that you now 7:48 this could not be proven before 7:50 historian said it I archaeologists 7:54 brought it up but now we have DNA God's 7:58 mathematics and at another's Jewish 8:01 scientists are beginning to say it also 8:04 you know if it's not even debatable 8:07 I I understand a lot of radio programs 8:10 are beginning to come against my book 8:12 already have a partner good problem 8:16 market that good publicity 8:19 it is good public he's right because you 8:23 know these are little people there are 8:25 some somebody tell me there's a genetic 8:27 scientist on some scientist guy i but 8:31 but none of them have done any studies 8:32 only if or their studies are just told 8:35 you know minuscule so they've been 8:37 plowed under body's great scientist and 8:40 they don't know what to do about it 8:42 it's interesting dr. Shaw most sand 8:46 yah-hoo historian the tel aviv 8:48 university's a jutsu he wrote a great 8:51 book all the invention of the jewish 8:53 people you remember that 2019 is only 8:57 New York Times bestseller list you know 8:59 he said it very soon 9:01 this is what what he said in 2009 very 9:04 soon he said the DNA scientists will do 9:07 a study of only a DNA and for the Jews 9:13 originally from he said and I believe 9:15 they will find that that they came from 9:17 Azaria not Israel 9:20 he says I'm looking forward to that 9:22 study now this study comes out and I I 9:25 wanted to see what he had to say what on 9:26 google and sure enough he was 9:28 interviewed and in the tel aviv israel 9:30 and he said quote about the dr l ike 9:34 study of john hopkins the Medical 9:37 University he said quote it is so 9:40 obvious so obvious but people designers 9:45 that they're gonna they're gonna go down 9:47 fighting being halls sure yeah look at 9:50 all the things they get out of this 9:52 anything I goodness it's like lamb is 9:56 don't act like trillions of dollars and 9:58 for late money as you know state 10:01 yeah thats its application to an 10:04 American military to get to murder of 10:08 the US military like it's their own the 10:11 orders around they have it's like they 10:13 have a credit card with an unlimited 10:15 balance and never have to pay anything 10:17 back it's a silly it's all disgusting 10:20 watching the American the American 10:22 people understand 10:24 yeah that bucket kazar from pole 10:26 communist Poland 10:27 yeah but with Stalin's arms Joseph 10:31 Stalin at his arms but they went into 10:35 Israel change their names that and kill 10:39 so many people and took over that 10:41 country 10:42 yeah at once they understand those are 10:44 not even Jews they have no relationship 10:47 they're not returning to Israel they 10:49 were never there at I think this is the 10:52 most to me i'm almost 70 years old Jeff 10:55 this is the most staggering news story 10:58 of my life 10:59 it is well you're exposing that were the 11:01 biggest political social cultural frauds 11:04 and in human history have so lonely and 11:07 this is its alright in your book DNA 11:10 science and the Jewish blood line now i 11:12 have four years and we've talked in the 11:14 past about k czars and how they picked 11:18 up Judaism and the 737 hundreds and how 11:22 they emigrated to Europe and how all the 11:24 leadership in Israel you look at them 11:26 they're all light skinned Europeans or 11:27 from the Caucasus for Caucasians from 11:30 the solarium caucuses now what you have 11:33 done is taken all those little pieces of 11:36 data which are irrefutable and woven 11:39 them together in a book with hard rock 11:41 hard science which proves it 11:44 it's in book form now it's not just 11:46 conversation and this book is is clearly 11:49 public enemy number one to the scammers 11:52 and the khazar the scammers they really 11:57 are and you know that the title i 11:59 usually try to find good titles for my 12:02 books and I said you know I'm just gonna 12:03 name this what is DNA science of the 12:06 Jewish bloodline exactly what is people 12:09 will understand it's so interesting 12:11 though that there are a few honest Jews 12:15 and and you know I talk about Jewish 12:18 historians Jewish geneticist you know 12:21 the medical doctors and researchers 12:23 these are the ones that i have all the 12:26 studies from and that's what makes it so 12:27 tough on these scientists freaks they're 12:30 angry at their own their own people of 12:33 course for help 12:36 that's right use their own words in 12:38 their own science and their own now 12:40 their own ethics as it were from the 12:41 good ones to expose the whole lot of 12:43 them and that's what you've done 12:45 yeah this is this is a science report 12:48 i'm just a reporter here you know it's 12:51 so but they cannot repeat this research 12:54 it and so you know i thank god he's 12:58 giving us these the Jewish scientists 13:00 and evidently you know Isaac Asimov the 13:03 great science-fiction writer was asked 13:06 was he a case are because the historians 13:08 knew this even go back win and it is up 13:11 autobiography 2002 of he's passed away 13:15 that Jeff but it was either the greatest 13:18 satisfaction writer wrote the novel hi 13:20 robot someone but that he is m.i.a kazar 13:25 he said God well could be from my 13:28 studies 13:29 he said yeah I could be a case are but 13:32 who cares if he was Jewish so-called he 13:35 said yeah maybe a case or who cares 13:38 well that's that that's what any good 13:40 person would say are you an Italian or 13:42 urs sure you in a French whatever and 13:46 either well I don't 13:46 over maybe I maybe so but who cares i'm 13:49 an american but the people that have 13:51 contacted me the Jews so far they are 13:54 angry they say I am NOT anything but a 13:58 to do not you know you've done a 14:01 terrible thing with your book 14:02 how could you say such a thing and so 14:05 they're very very upset at being called 14:08 something other than Jewish and that's 14:10 because they get hold of cost reparation 14:13 I mean that they got a great they won't 14:16 get away with everything they have 14:18 literally been able to intellectually 14:21 intimidating course and extort their way 14:24 to riches and wealth beyond their 14:27 wildest dreams in terms of a collective 14:29 this is 0.2 percent of the world 14:33 population hit 0.2 percent of the world 14:38 population two-tenths of one percent 14:41 believe they have any allegiance to the 14:44 United State 14:46 Charles Schumer and Senator and all the 14:49 others they go to Congress to see what 14:52 they can get and do for Israel that you 14:56 know that they will tell you they wake 14:58 up every morning and say what can I do 14:59 for Israel today that's that's abnormal 15:02 that these people were born in America 15:05 yeah given all the rights and privileges 15:08 I'm just a little country boy you know I 15:10 came from a small town in these Texas 15:12 but I appreciated everything I got up 15:15 but that they don't they 15:17 herb asking themselves what can we do 15:21 for Israel and when they consider 15:23 legislation the first question in these 15:26 Jews mind is is this good for Israel and 15:31 it's just a it's they got everything 15:32 backwards but it's because they have 15:35 been brainwashed all their lives of 15:37 these people as we as we noticed the 15:39 other night are not true 15:42 goose they're not even Jewish their 15:43 cases ours and so that they have a 15:48 problem themselves and many of them are 15:51 just learning that for my book at other 15:53 stores back 15:54 hello Jeff great to be back with you 15:55 here how's the book 15:57 well the the book is doing great but it 16:02 seems like so many people are just not 16:04 frightened anymore it were 16:07 we're reaching perhaps a critical mass 16:10 yeah at least judging from the sales of 16:12 the book and people are beginning to say 16:15 i want the truth about this and that you 16:17 know that they're beginning to see Jews 16:19 controlling every aspect of American 16:22 society well it's too damn truth India 16:25 it is you know even though they released 16:28 some tapes from of the president richard 16:33 nixon the last to the Nixon tapes yeah 16:35 there you go and he had so much to say 16:38 on giusti the press put it out there and 16:41 said see what a big it is but I read it 16:44 and I mean goodness gracious there's the 16:46 guy of you know exposing homosexuality 16:50 exposing said the Jews and he was sick 16:56 and tired of it and of course 16:59 I I appreciated that myself he uh he 17:02 said if I have a second term 17:05 [Music] 17:15 [Music] 17:30 texe marrs his new book DNA science and 17:34 the Jewish bloodline is a knockout 17:36 so much so that text is already getting 17:38 threats that's a one of those books that 17:41 is not supposed to be written let alone 17:44 read by people but text wrote it and it 17:47 is being read and the tribe doesn't like 17:50 that we have myths to expose tonight we 17:54 did about one-and-a-half on Monday 17:56 there's so much material and I asked 17:58 text the lights come back tonight he was 18:00 very very much interested in that he's 18:03 here we're going to talk more about some 18:05 of the myths of the dudes this hour and 18:08 just like myths of the Catholic Smith's 18:10 of the Hindus and anyway myths in 18:13 general 18:14 hello Tex and welcome back i'm going to 18:16 do something about it that's what he 18:17 actually told his associates and Billy 18:20 Grail when he came to visiting in the 18:22 White House 18:23 that's right but he never got the 18:24 opportunity because they obviously I i 18:28 believe they had their wiretap in the 18:30 White House the Israeli masab and they 18:33 said we've got to stop this guy and his 18:36 vice president and vice president Spiro 18:39 Agnew Jeff and they took out the spirit 18:42 Agnew first because they knew if they 18:44 took at President Nixon first then agni 18:48 would become president and Agnew was 18:50 even more an enemy of the Zionist that 18:53 was then was the president nixon at 18:57 agnese boy in my book conspiracy in the 19:00 six-pointed star have a letter from him 19:02 out but where he says America's is being 19:05 ruined by the Jews on and then they 19:09 ruined him didn't they they really 19:11 didn't you know the problem is is that 19:12 of the vast majority not not all the 19:16 Jews in the United States but they're 19:19 seven-and-a-half million about 19:21 two-and-a-half percent american people 19:23 are Jews I and these people do not just 19:26 that they are k-source I think they're 19:29 shocked and I'm having a people that are 19:32 just angry at me and saying this cannot 19:34 be true 19:35 where did you get this information I've 19:37 never heard of his Johns Hopkins Medical 19:40 University study well the study that 19:43 that I 19:44 tight as a brand new study a definitive 19:46 study that's one of the myths of the 19:48 Jews of by dr. uh al Rahman al hike 19:53 I of Johns Hopkins Medical University 19:57 he's with the acoustic NATO's genetic 20:00 institute and get this jeff he is a Jew 20:04 either it was born in Israel he spent 20:08 seven years in the Israeli Defense 20:10 Forces he's now you're in the United 20:13 States and he wrote this really do this 20:15 brilliant study and and discovered that 20:18 the Jews according to DNA or not do they 20:21 have no connection with the nation of 20:24 Israel they've never made that they've 20:27 never lived there their ancestors never 20:30 live there now curse and this is this is 20:33 so the Christians they don't

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