Friday, February 3, 2017

President Trumps Weekly Address to The Nation 2-3-17

my fellow Americans this week I 0:13 nominated Neil Gorsuch for the United 0:16 in court judge course which is one of 0:19 the most qualified people ever to be 0:21 nominated for this post 0:22 he's a graduate of Columbia Harvard and 0:25 Oxford he's a man of principle he has an 0:29 impeccable resume he's widely respected 0:31 by everyone and judge courses just 0:35 proven track record upholding the 0:37 Constitution makes him the ideal person 0:41 to fill the vacancy left by the late 0:44 great Antonin Scalia a truly fabulous 0:47 justice 10 years ago the Senate 0:50 unanimously approved judge corsa jizz 0:53 nomination to serve on the Tenth Circuit 0:55 Court of Appeals iron members of both 0:58 parties to support judge courses and in 1:01 so doing to protect our laws and our 1:04 freedoms this week we also took 1:07 significant action to roll back the 1:09 massive regulation that is devastating 1:11 our economy and crippling American 1:14 companies and jobs 1:16 that's why I've issued a new executive 1:18 order to create permanent structure of 1:21 regulatory reduction disorder requires 1:24 that for everyone 1:26 new regulation to old regulations must 1:29 and I mean must be eliminated it's out 1:32 of control the January employment report 1:35 shows that the private sector added 1:38 237,000 jobs last month a lot of that 1:42 has to do with the spirit our country 1:44 now has job growth far surpassed 1:47 expectations in january and the labor 1:50 force participation also grew so you can 1:53 be encouraged about the progress of our 1:56 economy it's going to be a whole new 1:59 ballgame but there is still much work to 2:03 do that i can tell you 2:05 also this week on the first day black 2:07 history month i was pleased to host 2:10 african-american leaders at the White 2:12 House would determine to deliver more 2:15 opportunity jobs and safety for the 2:17 african-american citizens of our country 2:20 America can really never ever rest until 2:24 children of every color are fully 2:28 included in the American 2:29 dreams so important i think probably one 2:33 of my most and maybe my most important 2:35 goal it is our mutual duty and 2:38 obligation to make sure this happens at 2:41 Dover Air Force Base on wednesday i 2:43 joined the family of chief Special 2:45 Warfare operator william ryan owens as 2:49 our fallen hero was returned home a 2:51 great man chief Owens gave his life for 2:54 his country and for our people are dead 2:57 to him and his family a beautiful family 3:00 is eternal God has truly blessed this 3:04 nation to have given us such a brave and 3:06 selfless patriot as Ryan we will never 3:10 forget him 3:11 we will never ever forget those who 3:13 serve believe me and i will never forget 3:16 that my responsibility is to keep you 3:19 the American people safe and free 3:23 that's why last week I signed an 3:26 executive order to help keep terrorists 3:28 out of our country the executive order 3:30 establishes a process to develop new 3:32 Vedic and mechanisms to ensure those 3:35 coming into America love and support our 3:39 people that they have good intentions on 3:43 every single front we're working to 3:44 deliver for American workers and 3:46 American families you the law abiding 3:49 citizens of this country are my total 3:51 priority your safety your jobs and your 3:55 wages guide our decisions we are here to 3:57 serve you the great and loyal citizens 4:00 of the United States of America to 4:03 forgotten men and women will never be 4:05 forgotten again because from now on it's 4:08 going to be America first 4:11 that's how i got elected that's why you 4:13 voted for me and i will never forget it 4:16 god bless you and God bless america

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