Monday, February 20, 2017

Marine Le Pen: I Will Not Submit to Merkel and EU

French Presidential candidate Marine Le Pen, delivered a rip-roaring speech last night promising she will not take instructions from German Chancellor Angela Merkel, nor beg for her approval.
Le Pen promised that if elected, she will put French sovereignty first and foremost.
The promise came just 5 days after a group of Korean tourists inside a tourbus stuck in traffic in Paris were assaulted, threatened and robbed of all valuables when 5 anti-police demonstrators opened the doors and forced their way into the bus.
The Korean embassy has warned all tourist from Korea to stay out of migrant areas.
La Pen, the leader of the National Front political party in France, has called on officials to get tough on the rioters and to ban all anti-police riots. Yesterday, she asked the cheering crowd:
"What will be the first thing these presidential candidates will do?
"They will go and see Mrs Merkel and ask: ‘Mrs Merkel is it right to do this? Is it right to do that?'"
Le Pen said her opponents will also make the trip to Brussels to ask permission of the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Junker and Mario Draghi, the President of the European Central Bank.
"Merkel and Juncker are the perpetuators of this dominance. They will all make the same trip to Brussels to ask for instructions and permission.
"But I won’t. I will not ask for instructions from Mrs Merkel! Not from Mr Juncker! Nor from Mr Draghi! I will not submit."

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