Thursday, February 16, 2017

Joel Skousen WARNING How would World War 3 Start in 2017

Transcript : mr. Joel Skousen welcome to show well 0:17 thank you Alex that's very good to be 0:19 with you people like you have been 0:22 completely accurate about the Russian 0:24 threat and basically the extension the 0:28 threat coming from China and North Korea 0:30 and so forth 0:31 why is it mrs. Carson that today we see 0:34 a lot of the american alternative media 0:36 and the Patriots why are so many of them 0:39 now 0:40 nowadays so soft on Russia why do we see 0:44 them even promoting Russia and the 0:47 Russian point of view concerning all 0:49 kinds of topics 0:50 well that's a very good question Alex 0:53 and part of it has to do with the fact 0:56 that when the Western media covered for 0:59 the what I call the phony fall of the 1:02 Soviet Union and it wasn't carefully 1:04 crafted deception communism never fell 1:06 it simply went underground and pretended 1:09 to be dead in order to gain a great deal 1:12 of aid and trade with the west to 1:15 prepare for its future you know attack 1:18 on the west which is still coming but in 1:21 the process of the Western media 1:22 covering for the phony fall of the 1:25 Soviet Union and I mean you had to cover 1:28 it i watched it go down and I saw 1:30 immediately through the holes in the 1:32 argument that the KGB the all-powerful 1:36 Katie but suddenly fail to capture 1:38 gorbett job is undefended villa and that 1:41 the life sick riots in Germany would 1:45 suddenly be allowed to go forward and we 1:48 now know that Erik on occur said on his 1:51 deathbed and chili that he got orders 1:53 from Moscow to allow the life sick riots 1:57 to go forward so this was up carefully 1:58 crafted deception but they gave credit 2:02 to Ronald Reagan for it so in America 2:04 the conservative side o we one you know 2:08 the left isn't crucifying our hero 2:10 ronald reagan anymore they're giving him 2:12 credit 2:13 well ronald reagan was just as surprised 2:15 as anyone else at the phony fall of the 2:18 Soviet Union he didn't realize it was 2:20 funny and most of the Conservatives in 2:22 the United States today don't realize 2:24 it's phony 2:26 they revel in the fact that communism 2:27 fell but it did not and so the enemy 2:31 then became globalism and globalism is a 2:35 real enemy 2:36 it's I think there are three independent 2:39 predator centers in the globe in the 2:42 world the anglo-american globalist the 2:45 Russians and the Chinese and they're 2:46 each trying to establish their own 2:49 version of the new world order under 2:51 their control now so people like Paul 2:55 Craig Roberts who generally I have a 2:58 great deal of respect for but he has 3:00 become obsessed with the fact that if 3:04 the globalist were trying to insert 3:06 themselves in the Ukraine and Russia is 3:08 the victim and so this mentality the 3:11 rushes the victim or the Putin is 3:13 somehow the only one who can stand up to 3:15 the New World Order therefore he's our 3:17 hero is very much displaced analysis in 3:22 its very erroneous i pointed out in my 3:25 world affairs brief for example that 3:27 only the Russians could have created the 3:31 Ukrainian coo everyone in the West 3:33 especially in the United States talks 3:35 about how the u.s. port 5 billion 3:38 dollars into Ukraine and influence the 3:40 independence movement and that it was a 3:43 pro-western coup but it was not I was 3:47 probably the only one in the United 3:48 States to point out as our seniors is 3:51 only the pro-russian forces could have 3:54 told the bear coot the the state secret 3:58 police to stand down and let the 4:00 protestors win only the pro-russian 4:03 forces could have instructed the party 4:06 of regions who controlled the Rada which 4:09 is the parliament in Ukraine to oust 4:12 their own leader and is this a 4:14 repetition of what we've seen with the 4:15 so-called fallen Soviet Union where this 4:18 big colonial superpower Russia with one 4:20 continuous landmass when in those 4:24 satellite states like Ukraine you had 4:26 like the fall of the the Soviet 4:29 government there the Moscow control 4:31 government there and in all these new 4:33 faces are seemingly new faces appeared 4:35 and said all we're going to 4:36 create this new political parties and 4:38 we're going to be up for vote and then 4:41 you saw kind of this okay 4:44 the Russians they pull back their tanks 4:46 they pull out their tanks but they leave 4:47 the KGB net there and I seen that I seen 4:52 it with with Germany as well and our 4:54 current Chancellor in the nineteen in 4:58 middle of the nineteen eighties she was 5:00 just a chemist or a chemist or physicist 5:04 and suddenly she was being positioned 5:07 right when the Gorbachev thing happened 5:11 in the background when it started in 5:13 these high-level meetings and then she 5:15 started with after the fall of the the 5:18 Berlin Wall she went into these KGB 5:20 control new groups in eastern Germany 5:23 then made her way up 5:25 so is this basically repetition in 5:28 Ukraine where you know one guy's removed 5:31 one unpopular guys removed like 5:34 Yanukovych and then you see these fresh 5:38 faces supposedly taking power but it's 5:42 it seems like just a rehash well it is 5:47 it's even deeper than having KGB moles 5:50 for example almost all of the leaders 5:53 that surfaced after the fall of the 5:55 Soviet Union such as liquid lenson pro 5:58 Poland or even Vaclav Havel and 6:00 Czechoslovakia turned out to be wrong 6:02 russian agents and that's very much was 6:06 in the news in poland i was when i 6:07 visited Poland after the fall i'm 6:10 surprised how many Poles knew that that 6:12 level enza was the former was a Russian 6:16 agent all the time that he was running 6:18 solidarity so in Ukraine for example 6:21 yulia tymoshenko has always has this are 6:26 of being pro-western but in fact she 6:29 played very seamlessly with Putin and 6:31 she didn't one of the the telling things 6:35 about the former Soviet satellite States 6:38 is that none of the new presidents who 6:40 are supposedly pro-western ever purged 6:43 the bureaucracy of the corrupt communist 6:46 elements that were there they continue 6:48 to commit to 6:49 you have their corrupt control even in 6:51 Ukraine and that's why most of the 6:53 Ukrainians don't like either side the 6:56 pro-western pro-western because they 6:58 realize that nothing changes in Ukraine 7:00 it's still the same old cronies that are 7:02 controlling things in in the government 7:04 now after the government plane crash the 7:09 Polish presidential plane and small ends 7:12 I we expected a big outcry of Western 7:17 governments we expected a big outcry in 7:20 the media mainstream media and 7:22 alternative media but there was a big 7:24 silence so you didn't see protest from 7:27 Western governments when the Polish 7:30 elite was apparently killed a few years 7:34 ago things 2010 you didn't see the 7:37 mainstream media making a big deal out 7:39 of it and the alternative media did not 7:41 make a big deal out of it 7:42 so where you see what do you see this 7:46 event and what do you think of the 7:48 reaction in the alternative media well 7:51 occasionally you even though for example 7:53 in Russia they control all the major 7:55 opposition parties the Communist Party 7:57 Underground has a above-ground faction 8:03 which controls about twenty percent of 8:05 the vote but they control united russia 8:07 they control all the other opposition 8:08 parties except the smallest ones in 8:10 Poland for example what happened is that 8:13 occasionally you do get a true 8:15 anti-soviet free-market person elected 8:19 which is what happened and so he had to 8:21 be killed when the Russians don't in 8:25 fact undermine any of these leaders then 8:28 you pretty well no they're probably in 8:30 the Russian pockets I mean it's just 8:32 like after Ceausescu was ousted and 8:36 killed in remaining because he wouldn't 8:38 step down he refused Moscow's orders 8:41 unlike Honaker was gone yeah he was shot 8:45 and then ill esq suppose who had 8:48 supposedly defected a couple of or six 8:51 months earlier in order to position 8:53 himself as a pro-western anti-communist 8:56 when I talked to the Romanians after esq 8:59 came to powershell he's just an old 9:01 communist he's not a 9:03 pro-western free-market guy and they 9:05 were absolutely correct 9:07 so the Soviets are really playing this 9:09 poroshenko today in Ukraine all of his 9:12 best friends are Russian oligarchs he 9:15 has seamless relationships with Moscow 9:18 the fact that he's supposedly a in 9:21 opposition to Russia is just a fraud for 9:24 example he promised in his campaign that 9:28 everyone would be able to speak their 9:30 preferred language in any sector of 9:33 Ukraine including the Russians and then 9:35 when he got elected he said no y'all 9:37 gotta speak Ukrainian 9:39 in other words he was purposely setting 9:42 it up so that the pro-western the 9:44 pro-russian forces in Ukraine would have 9:46 an excuse to hate the government 9:48 he sent in mercenaries who did ruthless 9:51 drive-by shootings in Ukraine he did 9:53 everything to sabotage the view in the 9:56 east of Ukraine of the Western 9:59 pro-western government as evil and so I 10:02 see them still actually playing both 10:05 sides and poisoning their own people 10:09 against the program does the supposedly 10:11 pro-western government now then we have 10:14 this big concept of Eurasia now in the 10:17 view of the influential Russian figures 10:21 and and thinkers like extremists like 10:25 Alexandra doing this Eurasia is just a 10:29 big fascist weird state like stretching 10:34 from from lissabon to Vladivostok now in 10:39 before this Ukraine crisis like up until 10:44 a few months ago 10:45 there's been a lot of talk in in 10:47 political circles in your about a 10:50 different kind of Eurasia meaning and 10:52 integration of the European Union and 10:54 Russia we saw the the one employee from 11:00 the European Union talking about you 11:02 know we need this this corporation so 11:04 they kind of sold this to politicians 11:07 and 11:08 you know not to the public as well but 11:11 not in a big extend yet they're selling 11:13 this idea of a nice version of Eurasia 11:15 where you have free trade zone between 11:19 Russia and and Europe then we had big 11:22 newspapers in Germany printing the blood 11:27 near Putin's call for this type of 11:29 integration meaning of free trade zone 11:33 no more of visa necessary for travel 11:37 between Russia and Europe and I always 11:39 said wait a minute this is completely 11:41 insane because if you have free travel 11:46 there's no protection against Russian 11:48 Russian agents anymore and and also all 11:52 companies in Europe would be vulnerable 11:55 you know they would have their patterns 11:57 stolen stolen they would have their 11:58 intellectual property stolen and so this 12:03 so-called nice version of Eurasia that 12:07 was promoted 12:09 Oh for a long time and was this 12:13 basically in your opinion kind of the 12:15 kind of the excuse to to facilitate the 12:23 help for Russia all the credit all the 12:25 the financial credit the technological 12:28 help military military goods that were 12:32 sold to Russia you know stuff that 12:34 people have been warning about but 12:35 apparently the argument was hey we want 12:39 this peaceful integration with the 12:42 European Union Russia and so we're not 12:45 going to criticize Russia is no matter 12:47 what they do 12:47 well it's a my answer has to be 12:51 necessarily complex because there are 12:56 two factions trying to help the Russians 12:58 the first is the angle American 13:01 establishment the globalist as we call 13:03 them and they're trying to help Russia 13:05 not because they're Marxist but because 13:08 they're trying to build an enemy to 13:11 eventually attack the West that's why 13:13 they brought now to power in 1949 it was 13:17 george catlett marshall and the u.s. 13:20 globalist who brought in 13:22 the power by cutting off aid to chiang 13:24 kai-shek they brought the Russians to 13:26 power the United States finance ears 13:29 gave 20 million dollars in gold to 13:31 Trotsky and the Bolsheviks they 13:35 undermined the White Russians when they 13:37 tried to go to war against the Red Army 13:40 they gave Russia the first enriched 13:43 uranium to build their nuclear weapons 13:45 shipped it from the United States to 13:48 Russia so the Russia could it do a 13:50 nuclear weapon within a year after world 13:52 war two 13:53 so you see we've been bringing communist 13:56 governments to power but not because 13:58 anglo-american globalist to communist 14:01 but because they're trying to build an 14:03 enemy and i'll explain the endgame of 14:05 that but in Europe you have a slightly 14:07 different situation you have the 14:10 socialist international which became 14:14 very powerful after World War Two this 14:16 was essentially a in Moscow front of 14:19 masquerading socialist but they were 14:22 working for Moscow and as you know 14:24 during the Bronze regime and in Germany 14:29 he had several Soviet spies working for 14:32 him 14:33 angola miracles of former communist now 14:35 Tony Blair was a Marxist in Britain for 14:37 example the new head of NATO this this 14:40 Norwegian guy he was a with the with the 14:44 Socialists in Norway what's his name 14:46 again the the new head of NATO he just 14:50 stepped in a few days ago he just 14:51 stepped up a few days ago to the into 14:54 this this position against open bags i 14:56 think his name and the key point alex is 15:01 that they appear to switch to the 15:04 globalist position when they get in to 15:07 the EU and tony blair when he became 15:09 during the Gulf War he switched to 15:11 becoming a rating globalist and uncle 15:14 America seems to be playing along but we 15:16 never know because these people are very 15:18 skilled at playing both sides and they 15:20 can they can play up to the globalist 15:24 and yet still be reporting back to 15:25 Moscow we really don't know it is very 15:29 difficult to know who's who 15:30 whether or not their real just socialist 15:33 or whether or not they're actually 15:34 taking orders from Moscow so many of the 15:36 people promoting a Eurasian integration 15:39 in Europe our Moscow driven agents 15:43 others are just globalist right now 15:46 their purposes are aligned together 15:48 boosting Russia protecting Americans and 15:52 Europeans from knowing that Russia is 15:54 really a threat but they will diverge at 15:58 some point and that will happen when I 16:01 believe in Russia and China are clearly 16:04 trying to build the latest state of 16:09 weapons of mass destruction even as 16:11 europe and the united states are 16:13 disarming in terms of nuclear weapons 16:17 I think what the globalist intend to do 16:19 by building Russia and China is to 16:21 induce them eventually to go through 16:24 with their long planned nuclear strike 16:27 on american and british nuclear forces 16:31 and what is this accomplished 16:33 well in terms of globalism the globalist 16:37 know that there is increasing resistance 16:39 to EU integration you saw in the 16:43 previous in the past election how much 16:46 opposition there is to further bu powers 16:49 returned to sovereignty in America we 16:52 see the same thing with the Tea Party 16:53 resisting more global integration and 16:59 for that reason the globalist know 17:01 they're going to have to give us a war 17:03 that will panic or force people into a 17:06 panic to accept a militarized version of 17:10 the global government which we do not 17:12 now have we got the United Nations as a 17:14 result of World War two but it basically 17:16 had no military powers has no financial 17:19 powers no taxing powers 17:21 eventually the globalist want to have 17:24 global military power global taxation in 17:27 a global currency and you can't get 17:29 there without a global government and 17:31 you can't get there at least as far as 17:33 Americans are concerned unless you have 17:35 a global any big sized at the size and 17:38 the interesting thing is by inducing a 17:41 nuclear strike on American forces and 17:44 that's part of the reason for 17:45 intervening in the 17:46 least is to build this reputation of the 17:50 US and NATO as the bully of the world 17:53 they are handing China and Russia the 17:55 excuse to attack and take down the bully 17:58 of the world but you see the Chinese and 18:01 Russians don't intend to attack civilian 18:03 targets in either the United States or 18:05 Europe only military targets then they 18:07 intend to blackmail the west into 18:09 submission and what are global leaders 18:13 come out of there deep underground 18:15 bunkers and say now the Russians and 18:17 Chinese deceived us but now that the 18:19 American military has been decapitated 18:21 and problem UK missiles will be hit as 18:26 well now that the American military has 18:29 been decapitated the world cannot defend 18:31 itself unless we join together and form 18:34 a global military power and I think 18:37 it'll be based around NATO I think 18:39 that's one of the reasons why they 18:41 created Isis as the new international 18:43 terror threat to have an excuse to 18:46 create a new military force which you 18:50 seen they went to extreme ends to try to 18:54 build a cobble together a military 18:57 strike force even though the US was 18:59 music capable of doing it all themselves 19:01 I think they're using international 19:04 terrorist excuse to build the 19:06 predecessor to this global military to 19:09 condition people to get used to having a 19:12 global military do their bidding now 19:15 first do you think that the American 19:18 establishment has already given up 19:22 Europe they have positioned themselves 19:25 so Europe will be taken by the Russians 19:27 no i don't 19:30 I in fact think that they won't they're 19:33 going to use the basis of NATO as the 19:36 core of the new global military now i 19:39 happen to have some information that the 19:43 US has a lot of secret weapon systems 19:46 that are capable of deterring a Russian 19:50 Chinese preemptive strike but they will 19:52 not use them until after the first 19:55 strike falls on American military forces 19:57 then they will use them and 20:00 I think a lot of those secret weapons 20:01 are space-based anti-missile systems 20:04 that can then stop for a period of time 20:07 Russian and Chinese nuclear attacks 20:09 while the West regroups I do think there 20:12 will be a land invasion by Russia they 20:15 will take back the former Soviet states 20:17 and they will get into the eastern 20:22 portions of Europe I don't know exactly 20:23 how far but i do think that it they will 20:28 not take all over Europe and the 20:30 Global's don't intend to yield all of 20:33 Europe but to get everyone together to 20:35 fight now because ultimately Russian 20:39 needs Western Europe technology i mean 20:42 they have still have these these 20:43 problems and a lot of the Russian 20:47 military production takes place in the 20:50 Ukraine and then we've seen that when 20:53 the Soviet Union fell they had this 20:55 large large gap in in technology and 20:58 then parts and pieces and that's why the 21:01 Western establishment delivered these 21:03 parts and pieces these necessary parts 21:05 and pieces to Russia to build them up 21:08 now in this strategy want Alex just let 21:11 me interject here that one of the ways 21:13 in which i think the West intense to win 21:16 this war even after absorbing a nuclear 21:19 first strike on American military forces 21:21 is sometimes during the progress of the 21:23 war I think they're going to cut a deal 21:25 with China to betray russia in exchange 21:31 like we did with Russia to give all this 21:32 aid in to rush i think China will accept 21:35 that same deal and then Russia cannot 21:37 win if the Chinese are at their back 21:40 door but i think that in the course of 21:43 the war the beginning part of the war 21:45 China who has a grudge match with Japan 21:48 will conquer Japan all the way down 21:51 through australia and perhaps new 21:53 zealand in order to protect this buffer 21:55 zone in the East for before she switches 21:59 sides and a tax Russia on the eastern 22:02 front and then Russia course cannot win 22:04 a two-front war any more than Hitler did 22:06 yes and in this strategy the Western 22:12 establishment 22:13 and could not just then defeat this big 22:17 enemy in the East they also could defeat 22:21 their enemies and home meaning the 22:22 Patriots meaning of the pro Constitution 22:26 people of the United States and maybe in 22:29 Europe because right now if if if those 22:32 critical of the new world order that the 22:34 western new order if those critical 22:36 switch elite will pledge allegiance to 22:39 Russia and think Russia is is the big 22:41 the big hope I mean isn't that wouldn't 22:44 be possible in the future for say the US 22:46 government designating a lot of these 22:49 Patriots as enemy combatants or foreign 22:52 agents you know Russian agents if they'd 22:55 known position themselves like day 22:56 they'd like a lot of them are doing well 22:59 let me explain I i have a little bit 23:01 different view on how I think that's 23:02 going to play out i think that the 23:08 American patriots who mistakenly view 23:10 Putin is there salvation against the New 23:13 World Order will immediately disavow 23:16 that position when Russia and China have 23:19 a nuclear strike in America no one in 23:21 America will take a pro-wrestler 23:22 position but what will happen is the 23:26 globe listen that's the reason for NSA 23:28 surveillance the globalist are 23:30 surveilling all content not just 23:34 metadata they're building lists on 23:37 dissidents that's why they put out 23:39 disinformation like a DHS buying two 23:42 billion bullets that just didn't happen 23:45 but they put it out there so they can 23:46 track the emails of who gets upset who 23:49 passes these emails on it helps them to 23:52 build these lists so i think it sometime 23:55 during the war when communications 23:58 re-established because it will start 24:00 with an EMP strike which will take down 24:02 communications and all traffic and 24:06 electricity and in the US and will cause 24:08 a great deal of panic but after things 24:10 start to knit back together i think the 24:12 globalist will say you know there are 24:15 people among our midst who are not 24:18 supporting our troops who think that we 24:20 are responsible for this war that we 24:22 were responsible for 911 which is true 24:25 by the way 9-11 was a 24:27 government operation from beginning to 24:28 end and we have the proof of that but I 24:32 think they'll have what we call a test 24:34 both of Allegiance or a new citizenship 24:38 of the world in other words saying that 24:40 we want to make sure that everyone comes 24:42 on board so we're gonna have a new 24:44 citizenship we pledge allegiance to the 24:46 world government and anyone who won't 24:48 take this pledge we won't respond to the 24:51 draft 24:52 that's right or respond to the draft and 24:55 so I think that's how they'll isolate 24:57 Patriots by the issue of conspiracy and 25:00 they'll call upon Americans and 25:02 Europeans to turn in to the authorities 25:04 those that believe in conspiracy it will 25:08 be a hallmark for dissidents in the 25:10 future now in in the past couple of 25:13 months we've seen parts of the the 25:18 alternative media in the West basically 25:20 just copying and pasting Russian news 25:26 stories most of the time fake news 25:28 stories are heavily distorted news 25:29 stories concerning the downing of the 25:33 flight mh17 concerning the fights in in 25:39 Ukraine concerning you know that 25:42 basically whether or not Russia has the 25:45 right of the the the right to occupy 25:50 Ukraine because this is our this 25:52 ridiculous argument that Ukraine belongs 25:54 to Russia now in all these cases you 25:57 seen fake news stories propaganda new 26:00 stories being copied and pasted and that 26:04 is kind of permeated the alternative 26:07 media and the West how how how competent 26:11 do you think Western alternative media 26:14 is or maybe how may be wishful thinking 26:20 plays a part in that when they say well 26:23 maybe Russia isn't that bad and we need 26:25 to support them 26:29 well they're the the art of 26:32 disinformation has become extremely 26:33 complex now the government in the United 26:37 States especially has a full-time team 26:40 of disinformation experts at MacDill Air 26:42 Force Base in in Florida who do nothing 26:45 but troll the internet pretending to be 26:47 conservatives and to place false 26:50 information and their purposes to get 26:53 conspiracy theory discredited by seeding 26:57 the the field with a lot of bogus 27:01 theories so that the rational people 27:04 just throw out all conspiracy theory one 27:07 of the ways in which they distort real 27:10 truth is called the false forgery in 27:14 other words they will forge a document 27:16 that contains truth confirming a 27:20 conspiracy and then two days later the 27:23 media will announce that it was a 27:25 forgery and they get people than to say 27:28 well therefore the content we have to 27:30 throw out as well as the the source of 27:33 the document and that's how they get 27:35 content destroyed in the United States 27:38 you know by creating these false 27:41 forgeries and so we have to be very 27:43 careful of what i call 27:44 too-good-to-be-true information and the 27:48 alternative media in answer to your 27:49 question directly is not very good at 27:52 discerning too good to be true false 27:56 information they get suckered in all the 27:59 time and part of that is because they're 28:02 so anxious to prove that the government 28:05 is going to implement martial law and 28:09 next week that it's very easy for 28:11 disinformation experts posing as members 28:14 of department of homeland security or 28:17 military saying I just heard that 28:20 there's going to be a takedown of 28:21 dissidence or I just heard the military 28:24 is going to overthrow Obama in two weeks 28:27 and I've been one of those on the 28:30 internet the alternative media leaders 28:32 who have basically tried to point out 28:35 why those are false 28:37 and I will make my case here that with a 28:39 total surveillance society Alex NSA 28:43 eavesdropping and there's no way anyone 28:45 in government can leak every week to 28:49 people like Alex Jones or Steve Quayle 28:52 or doug hagmann with inside room and not 28:55 get shut down and there's just no way 28:58 you could do that they would be able to 29:00 track it and so these people are 29:01 permitted leaks they're purposely 29:04 feeding false information in order to 29:06 get the conservative side of the 29:10 alternative media discredited and so is 29:15 another factor that plays into this I 29:17 think is the competition between media 29:21 outlets because nowadays a story has to 29:23 be viral it has to be quick it has to be 29:25 as you said it has the sound too good to 29:28 be true evidence you know like this 29:30 The Smoking Gun whatever might want to 29:33 call it because as we've seen time and 29:35 again a badly cobble together a video 29:38 online about mh17 or or the Ukraine 29:42 thing or whatever or how important is 29:45 going to save us all a a sloppy video 29:47 can get 10 million views in a few weeks 29:50 and so I think that even some of the 29:52 better outlets in the alternative media 29:54 they think they they were kind of in a 29:57 position where they have to compete 29:58 unless they get overtaken by some of 30:02 these these amateurs and do you think 30:06 that's that's that's part of this all 30:09 very much so and especially because 30:11 certain outlets like dave hodges or even 30:15 alex jones has a considerable reputation 30:19 for imminent threat of hyping imminent 30:24 threat and when it doesn't happen they 30:26 are eager to look for someone who will 30:29 provide a new story energetic full of 30:33 hype that will say that i wasn't really 30:35 wrong it's just been postponed and so 30:38 week after week you get the latest and 30:40 strongest story about imminent threat to 30:43 the constitutional conservatives by 30:46 government and most of it's false you 30:49 have to 30:49 look at the long term agenda and that's 30:52 why ice i have tried to explain my 30:55 position to people all over the world 30:57 there has to be a reason Alex why our 31:01 own government has been taking over a 31:04 hundred years to build both the Soviet 31:07 Union Russia and China as these two 31:10 major enemies giving them technology 31:12 using Israel to find funnel technology 31:15 to China which they do all the time 31:16 opening doors like like Bush Senior did 31:19 when he was the unofficial US ambassador 31:22 to to Communist China and he later said 31:25 he later said that china would have 31:27 would have been isolated for decades to 31:29 come if it wasn't for me that's exactly 31:33 right i mean people like Henry Kissinger 31:34 who gave the Russians the miniature ball 31:38 bearing technology that they didn't have 31:40 to move their missiles or to make 31:42 multiple independent reentry vehicles 31:44 that's called Merv and they didn't have 31:47 it they couldn't develop the technology 31:49 and so Kissinger authorized during the 31:51 Nixon a conservative Republican 31:53 administration to give the Russians the 31:56 power to create multiple warheads so 31:59 we're building the best enemies that 32:01 money combined there has to be a reason 32:03 Alex for that 32:04 that's why i say these people say 32:06 there's going to be an economic collapse 32:08 next week 32:09 Gordon you they've been saying that 32:10 forever 2010 they don't understand the 32:13 globalist agenda if they were to pull 32:16 the plug on the economy everybody would 32:18 know who to blame 32:19 exactly they know who would cut the 32:21 money supply but if they if you look at 32:23 what the the global have been trying to 32:25 do for decades in building up these 32:27 enemies 32:28 they're going to use those enemies to 32:30 create a war that will wipe down all 32:33 opposition 32:34 I mean it just won't be anybody willing 32:37 to stand up to the issue of a global 32:39 military force a global currency if 32:42 there's a nuclear war now in in Germany 32:45 we've seen as some pretty significant 32:48 signs that the days of Chancellor Angela 32:52 Merkel are numbered 32:54 there have been candidates groomed to to 33:00 to surpass her and one of these 33:04 candidates was a man called so good bag 33:07 you know he's he was he came out of 33:11 nowhere I mean it's his family they are 33:13 you know they have aristocratic titles 33:16 have been around for awhile but 33:17 politically this guy was unknown 33:19 suddenly there was him in the media and 33:23 of course the European media's is 33:25 follows what these American 33:28 organizations tell them basically this 33:31 this Atlantic connection and so this man 33:35 was groomed as as the new chancellor and 33:38 they gave him the post of Defense 33:40 Minister I gave him all this news 33:43 coverage all look at him in doing a 33:46 visit in in Afghanistan visiting the 33:48 troops and I thought he's like the exact 33:51 opposite of Angola Mackel because you 33:54 know first of all he's he's clearly 33:56 someone who is aligned with the American 33:59 establishment 34:00 he's someone who has ties to the 34:04 military some something you know you you 34:06 hehe had this this defense minister 34:10 position and he's also with the 34:13 aristocratic title he's supposed to be 34:15 kind of you know rooted in in Germany 34:19 and so then of course there was a 34:23 scandal because his his doctoral thesis 34:26 was apparently a a copy and paste job 34:31 and now they're they have a new person 34:32 they groom funder lion she's defense 34:36 minister right now and she's of course 34:39 Western global is she has also an 34:41 extra-credit title and of course he has 34:43 a time to the military now what do you 34:46 think is going to be will we see in 34:52 germany and in the United States will we 34:54 see kind of the end of these Marxist 34:59 heads of state like Obama and angle 35:01 America will we see kind of these new 35:03 these new ronald reagan types you know 35:06 who say a lot of good things but nothing 35:08 necessarily do a lot of good things what 35:11 do you think it's going to be you know 35:12 what is going to be the next president 35:13 like or the new chancellor in Germany 35:15 like well that's a very good Alex 35:18 analysis we have seen this much more 35:21 openly in the United States for example 35:23 in 2008 you have a candidate in the 35:27 United States Mitt Romney who inserted 35:29 himself because he had his own money 35:31 enough to finance his own campaign he 35:34 bent over backwards to please the 35:36 establishment he hired all of the 35:39 Council on Foreign Relations advisors 35:42 that every other controlled candidate 35:44 does but he wasn't control but he was 35:46 trying so hard to please the 35:48 establishment that you thought well 35:51 maybe they'll accept it but they did 35:53 they resurrected as you said out of 35:56 nowhere five new candidates one after 36:00 another they generated false push 36:02 polling we call it that is you generate 36:05 a false pole to show he's suddenly got 36:07 forty percent name recognition 36:09 he's the up-and-coming person and then 36:12 he fell by the wayside in the the first 36:14 primary election it became obvious that 36:16 the polls were false 36:18 they resurrected another one they did 36:19 this five times with various candidates 36:22 to try to defeat Romney and when they 36:25 couldn't they finally had to fudge the 36:28 and distort the actual vote they made 36:31 eight million u.s. votes disappear at a 36:34 moment in order to get Obama elected but 36:37 remember Obama in our particular case is 36:40 no longer a Marxist at some point he was 36:43 bought out by the globalist and became a 36:45 globalist I mean you don't make Marxist 36:50 wealthy mean is worth over 14 million 36:52 dollars to the public he's still a 36:54 leftist figure and yes will he be 36:56 surpassed by a Ronald Reagan type figure 36:59 he will in fact the powers-that-be in 37:01 the United States read the political tea 37:05 leaves if you will and they've 37:07 determined there so much hostility 37:08 towards Obama we've got to reduce that 37:12 hostility by giving them the appearance 37:13 of a conservative and so you'll have a 37:16 false conservative 37:17 rise up whether it's george bush or you 37:21 know they wanted Chris Christie who has 37:23 a lot of skeletons in his closet very 37:25 much a controlled person and just as you 37:28 saw in Germany was sooo good burger or 37:31 you know the one lion you know these are 37:35 people who are controlled conservatives 37:37 who will in fact not do anything 37:39 different they will give conservatives 37:41 the rhetoric they will maybe even talk 37:44 tough on Russia but they won't do 37:45 anything to stop the shipment of the mr. 37:48 all helicopter ships to from France to 37:54 Russia and those types of weapons 37:56 transfers know saying Obama said Obama 37:59 said those who still think about a 38:01 Russian threat they live in the past 38:03 yeah and and so they denigrate everyone 38:06 who is preparing in the United States 38:08 for nuclear war and I do a lot to try to 38:10 get people to be prepared individually 38:12 it's very telling that FEMA in the 38:15 United States the Federal Emergency 38:16 Management Association talks about food 38:19 storage and everything but they'll never 38:21 talk about fallout shelters they do not 38:23 want Americans prepared in the same 38:26 thing in in Europe because they want us 38:29 to have the maximum vulnerability so 38:32 that when our leaders come out of their 38:33 bunkers and I'm but believe me they've 38:36 got new bunkers that are half a mile 38:38 underground and they're not building 38:39 those because of terrorism has shown the 38:41 footage when they come out of their 38:43 bunkers they want Americans to be in a 38:45 panic so that they will accept whatever 38:49 they hand them as the false solution now 38:53 what do you think of this before we get 38:56 to the the atomic bomb shelters because 38:59 that's very interesting topic and of 39:01 course you're you're one of the leading 39:03 experts on it because we have when this 39:05 this this Scotland vote happened 39:10 we've been taking out some stuff about 39:12 Alex settlement in in in Scotland his 39:15 socialist past and and at some point the 39:19 Scottish National Party they tied 39:21 themselves to these left-wing causes 39:23 like nuclear disarmament and and so 39:27 forth and these big marches 39:30 denouncing the stationing of United 39:34 Kingdom nuclear weapons in Scotland and 39:38 the argument was well if all these nukes 39:40 are stationed here the Russians were 39:42 going to the Russians will hit us in in 39:44 Scotland and and they said that well 39:49 even if you have a shelter you will be 39:51 fried in your shoulder because Scotland 39:53 is so small there's just a crazy 39:55 anecdote out of this this whole 39:58 situation because in in the United 40:01 States of course shelters of different 40:04 kinds they have a much bigger tradition 40:07 or much much bigger 40:10 you see a lot more private bankers in in 40:15 Europe you see a lot of government 40:17 bunker especially in the mountains like 40:21 in Switzerland but before we get to the 40:23 topic of shelters are one more question 40:25 for you about this development in North 40:28 Korea now in this in this scenario 40:31 leading up to 20 20 or maybe a couple 40:35 years afterwards when the Russian 40:37 military has gained size and strength 40:39 and technology and that the Chinese are 40:42 are buying and building stuff as well 40:47 you always said that North Korea would 40:51 be the ideal the ideal situation to 40:57 start off this the to start of this this 41:00 avalanche of of evil 41:03 now now we have seen kind of the leader 41:06 of North Korea disappearing for a month 41:10 land there have been high-level visits 41:12 from the north to the south 41:14 do you think this is just some of these 41:17 generals maybe wanting to become 41:19 billionaires in a unified unified Korea 41:24 or do you think that this is just a ploy 41:27 to deploy to in preparation of an 41:32 all-out assault on the South because the 41:34 soft obviously as a base of operations 41:36 for American NATO 41:40 well it's a very good question i have 41:42 long postulated that as you outline that 41:46 North Korea is the most likely trigger 41:48 event for world war three and there has 41:53 to be a reason Alex to explain why the 41:56 US has basically given North Korea pass 42:01 meaning that there's no regime change 42:04 required there the new the military 42:06 option is not on the table for North 42:08 Korea even though it's the most 42:09 aggressive predator rogue nation in the 42:13 world or appearance of a rogue nation it 42:15 has nuclear weapons it has the missiles 42:17 to deliver those even to Hawaii or parts 42:20 of the United States and yet we don't 42:22 require move regime change we always 42:25 look the other way when they violate the 42:27 latest nuclear treaties contrast this 42:31 with Iran who i believe yes is trying to 42:35 develop a nuclear weapon but there's 42:36 still a long ways away and they don't 42:38 have intercontinental ballistic missiles 42:41 to deliver it and yet we've been 42:42 demanding regime change there since 2004 42:45 and it's of it was at least at that time 42:49 a fairly civilized mirror pro-western 42:52 country and yet what's the economy about 42:55 I think it's because the global is know 42:57 that China which now controls North 43:00 Korea is going to use North Korea as the 43:03 trigger event so in order to be a good 43:05 trigger first of all you've got to have 43:07 an unstable country so that it can 43:08 appear to be a rogue attack that isn't 43:11 controlled directly by China and the 43:14 North Korean military ever since soon 43:21 will you know the original grandfather 43:24 of the Kim family who certainly created 43:26 the world was but was born in and Soviet 43:28 territory i believe that's right but you 43:31 see him he ran for 46 years North Korea 43:34 with an iron hand and he got the 43:35 military into this hyped-up posture of 43:39 attack on the west is imminent attack or 43:42 by the West in attack on South Korea 43:44 something you gotta train for and so 43:46 North Korea periodically about every six 43:48 months or so attacks South Korean some 43:50 minor way and I think they're doing this 43:53 to keep 43:54 south korea's off balance so that they 43:56 won't know when it's a real attack or 43:59 whether or not it's just one of these 44:00 smaller probing attacks but as the 44:08 various sons of Kim came into power for 44:11 17 years and then now the grandson 44:14 commune moon is in power they have 44:19 basically lost competency in other words 44:22 other powerful figures are controlling 44:26 things in North Korea and China is 44:28 ultimately tied to those military 44:30 leaders in controlling them they take 44:32 orders from china and so while they 44:35 allow came to think that he or you know 44:37 to think that he's the leader there has 44:41 been a lot of reshuffling a lot of 44:43 purging going on because there is a 44:46 change my but let there be no doubt 44:48 China still has a stronghold and it has 44:51 basically given the orders to the people 44:53 behind the scenes do a piece offensive 44:56 with South Korea we've got several years 44:58 before we're ready to attack so we want 45:01 a piece offensive so as to disarm South 45:03 Korea to disarm the west into thinking 45:06 we're more benevolent so I don't think 45:08 anything is really changing but i don't 45:09 think you know is in fact the true 45:12 leader of North Korea anymore 45:14 well I mean he's he was a thing second 45:16 or third choice because i think is one 45:19 of his brothers was called in think in 45:22 disneyland and it costs a kind of a 45:24 diplomatic embarrassment but so one more 45:31 question about the United States and I 45:33 want to get into the topic of strategic 45:36 relocation and and personal shelters now 45:39 a question about question about Senator 45:43 Rand Paul now of course in Europe the 45:46 media has largely been quiet about the 45:49 to paul's 45:50 and now the the younger one rand paul 45:54 she's been talking a lot about nuclear 45:58 disarmament and his father Ron Paul I 46:01 think his is ron paul institute has been 46:04 very soft on Russia is this kind of the 46:07 this is kind of just this this 46:09 non-interventionist kind of core policy 46:14 they just want to you know deescalate 46:17 things or do you think maybe they are 46:21 bit misguided maybe they do think Russia 46:24 has become a Christian conservative 46:26 nation 46:27 well I'm personal friends with ron paul 46:31 and I've talked to this about this to 46:34 him he is true a true libertarian and 46:39 he's a very strong anti globalist and he 46:43 basically has been schooled for so long 46:46 about the false warmongering agenda of 46:50 the US government creating wars in 46:52 intervention for other ulterior motives 46:54 that he's kind of taken the position 46:56 philosophically that anyone who's an 46:59 enemy of the globalist really isn't an 47:01 enemy must be a friend bars and so for 47:05 that reason he soft on China he does not 47:07 realize that China and Russia are really 47:10 true threats and so it's an unfortunate 47:14 thing but he's totally sincere hasn't 47:18 seen a lot of the evidence and is 47:20 resistant to it but it's not like the 47:23 various neo-cons you know who are taking 47:26 a position because of ulterior motives 47:28 so the Paul family is very sincere I 47:31 don't take the establishments going to 47:32 allow Rand Paul to get the presidency or 47:35 the nomination because even though he's 47:38 bending over backwards like Mitt Romney 47:40 to go along to a certain extent with the 47:44 establishment 47:45 he's also not been compromised morally 47:48 and they cannot allow that's one of the 47:51 reasons why they could not allow Mitt 47:53 Romney to gain the White House part of 47:55 the usual you would see so much black 47:58 operations in there like Benghazi that 48:01 mitt romney would not have tolerated 48:02 where he is 48:04 it and they they don't want to have to 48:05 control them like they did Ronald Reagan 48:07 with an assassination attempt they want 48:09 real good puppets in there and neither 48:12 Rand Paul or and back the puppets have 48:14 to have a lot of dirt they have to have 48:16 dirt on them so that they can blackmail 48:18 them into submission 48:20 so you think has a real shot at the 48:22 White House well rand paul is the one 48:26 the establishment will have to defeat 48:27 because he's the one who's got the 48:29 strongest chance of joining conservative 48:32 so they will have to defeat him 48:34 they're going to they've got another 45 48:37 people in the wings they're going to try 48:39 Jeb Bush Marco Rubio but there's four or 48:42 five other that will come out of nowhere 48:45 as you said if the first to fail or 48:49 chris Christie fails they'll bring them 48:50 out of nowhere and they'll do false push 48:53 polling in order to you know to convince 48:57 people that these people are be able 48:59 we've shown our audience parts of your 49:06 presentation on video presentation 49:09 interview on strategic relocation so our 49:13 audiences is broadly aware that you know 49:16 your favorite the intermountain west of 49:18 the United States and our audience is 49:23 aware that of course you are advised 49:24 against densely populated areas and our 49:28 audience was of course most interested 49:29 in in in what you have to say about 49:34 Europe could you give people a an 49:40 overview of what to you know what to 49:43 think of when they consider leaving 49:47 their country emigrating to another 49:49 country when people want to position 49:51 themselves would be wise to go to Spain 49:55 or would be wise to try Switzerland 49:58 would be wise to just say well if I'm a 50:01 conservative Patriot if I'm aware of all 50:04 these issues maybe its smartest to just 50:07 try to get into the United States or 50:09 Canada 50:10 well I do think that the United States 50:13 and Canada even though the United States 50:15 will be subject to a nuclear strike 50:17 it will be limited to military targets 50:19 so I think there's a great deal of wide 50:21 open spaces in the West that would be 50:24 good for anybody who can get here canada 50:26 has even more wide-open spaces 50:28 the problem with candidate is that its 50:31 government is a yes man to the New World 50:33 Order they will do whatever the 50:35 globalist government America dictates so 50:38 i suspect that dissidents will not be 50:40 welcome in Canada as they were during 50:43 the Vietnam War what a lot of people 50:45 can't get to the United States and so 50:48 let's talk a little bit about Europe 50:50 I've traveled extensively in Europe and 50:53 and no the country's pretty well 50:55 traditionally in wartime Spain has been 50:58 the country most distant from invasions 51:03 from the east and that remains so in the 51:06 future environment with an invasion from 51:08 Russia and yet spain is much more 51:13 densely populated now it's much more 51:15 controlled by the EU it's very likely to 51:18 have a lot of controls against people 51:21 escaping to Spain it may not have that 51:24 neutral aspect that it did during World 51:26 War Two austria and switzerland with its 51:32 mountain areas do provide the 51:35 traditional safe haven if you have royal 51:39 underground cabins or second homes there 51:42 and I emphasize like the Swiss that 51:45 people need to have fallout shelters or 51:48 safe rooms and I also believe that they 51:50 need to be concealed because our own 51:53 governments being globalist or tied to 51:56 the Globus will probably go after just 52:00 like they've gone after Holocaust 52:02 deniers in in europe someday conspiracy 52:05 believers will be like Holocaust deniers 52:08 and they'll be hunted and I think 52:10 perhaps locked up so the Jews of world 52:13 war three are going to be the conspiracy 52:15 believers and the Conservatives who 52:18 believe in sovereignty and 52:19 constitutionalism and real strict 52:22 adherence to religious values and so I 52:26 think it's important that people prepare 52:28 to hide people just like the story of 52:30 corrie ten boom 52:31 woman belgium hiding Jews people need to 52:33 prepare in advance for hidden rooms 52:36 hidden places safe rooms that are 52:39 concealed so that they can hide their 52:41 their stock piles of food because there 52:44 will be famines someday during this next 52:46 war i think an EMP strike is likely to 52:49 hit Europe as well and so there could be 52:52 a very real social panic in the major 52:55 cities so people do need to have their 52:57 stockpile secured in a place away from 53:00 the cities and need to prepare plans to 53:02 get out of the cities to get to those 53:03 safe places so what do you think about 53:07 because a lot of people tend to tend to 53:10 gravitate towards South America I mean 53:13 but South America right now it seems to 53:15 be aligned with the bricks Empire and 53:18 there's there's a lot of activity down 53:20 there and I think even chilly now has 53:24 socialist government it's it's it's 53:27 pretty unstable you know things are 53:29 shifting like a few decades is there any 53:32 place you recommend in in Latin America 53:35 well there is and I've lived in Latin 53:38 America for several years before i leave 53:40 Europe to let me just say that this 53:41 norway and sweden in the northern 53:45 portion offer some of the best respite 53:48 sin nor in in europe i do believe that 53:51 southern sweden and norway will be 53:53 occupied by the Russians just because 53:55 they have to control the the waters of 53:59 the warm Baltic Sea that is the most 54:04 past denmark and so they're going to 54:05 have to occupy those countries but i 54:07 don't think they'll get into the north 54:08 in the cold areas where people can have 54:11 retreats in South America for example at 54:17 least half of the country's now in South 54:19 America are clearly communist and will 54:22 align themselves with Russia and China 54:24 during the next war so I don't think 54:26 expatriates will do very well in those 54:30 countries when suddenly the u.s. is 54:32 decapitated militarily it doesn't have 54:34 any power over Latin America they're 54:36 going to say alright all you Americans 54:38 or your ass down here 54:40 remember when their tourism and their 54:42 economies go to pot as well 54:44 they will then start to confiscate 54:47 foreign bank accounts and even foreign 54:49 properties as well so I don't hold out 54:52 Latin America as a good bet because of 54:55 the lack of property rights law there 54:58 and the fact that there's a lot of 55:01 Marxist being trained in the 55:03 university's there in the government 55:05 there in the elite and I think there's 55:07 going to be a hostility towards people 55:09 who really believed in freedom that said 55:11 uruguay and chili are still the best two 55:13 countries in Latin America if you're 55:15 going to seek a safe haven even though 55:17 uruguay is governed by the frente amplio 55:21 the the wide front which is a leftist 55:24 organization the current president is a 55:28 very mild-mannered left us who believes 55:31 in a lot of freedom and liberty for 55:33 people and so you can find a lot in the 55:35 interior of Uruguay and Chile has a lot 55:40 of real country as well where you can 55:41 find a lot of you know friendly people 55:46 but you're going to have to know the 55:47 language to go rural there 55:49 my wife told me that because we spend 55:52 spend a couple of years in in Latin 55:54 America he said that some prominent 55:58 prominent rich people think that bought 56:00 properties in in in Chile mean some of 56:03 the really really wealthy people and so 56:07 when you drive through there you know 56:10 through some of their lanes of course 56:11 you can drive through because of the 56:12 roads but you cannot really stopped 56:14 because once you stop you get a 56:16 not-so-friendly visit from people in in 56:19 you know blacked-out SUVs telling you to 56:22 move move on place and so if people now 56:26 in Europe think that ok I'm gonna buy a 56:31 maybes some cheap property in Spain you 56:34 know maybe in the south or I'm going to 56:36 stay here in Europe where it's kind of 56:38 role and not so densely populated and 56:41 and people think I i also need shelter i 56:44 need my own shelter now you're the 56:47 expert on this 56:49 what can what would people need to look 56:52 out for where can they go 56:53 what how can people get their their own 56:56 children 56:58 well you in the United States we have a 57:01 lot of prefabricated shelters out of 57:04 steel and fiberglass that are buried in 57:06 the ground and i don't i don't recommend 57:08 these I'm glad you don't have these in 57:11 Europe because to have a big shelter on 57:14 a truck come in with a crane and dig a 57:16 hole and put it in your backyard 57:17 everybody in the neighborhood knows it's 57:19 there i prefer that shelters be 57:23 exclusively done as part of basement 57:26 space underground and sometimes under a 57:29 car park under a garage is one of the 57:31 best places to put it because no one 57:33 expects there to be a basement under a 57:35 garage and you can work in there are 57:38 people see what's been done there 57:40 that's right and so you need to have an 57:41 excuse that i'm just adding to the house 57:44 on building a basement you end up 57:46 pouring a concrete slab over that 57:48 portion of the basement 57:50 nobody thinks anything about that in 57:51 Switzerland because homes used to be 57:54 required to have a shelter in there 57:56 though they were very big i believe in a 57:58 lot bigger shelters just because it's 58:01 not just safeguarding people from 58:03 radiation you've got a safeguard your 58:04 supplies and your stock piles from 58:07 confiscation or from pillaging mobs of 58:10 people but basement space is the key 58:13 you've got to have at least 12 inches 58:17 what is that about about a third of a 58:21 meter of concrete over-the-top to shield 58:24 against radiation and you need to have 58:26 ventilation that comes up into a house 58:29 where you can hide the stacks because of 58:31 people put your ear to a ventilation 58:33 pipe you can hear everything that's 58:35 being said in a shelter so you want 58:37 those ventilations to pipe to come out 58:39 through the ceiling like plumbing 58:41 ventilation or inside the attic space 58:43 with your filters on it so that you have 58:46 filtered air coming into the shelter so 58:49 it if an American came to you and said I 58:52 need a shelter could what would you tell 58:56 him and what are you telling European 58:57 that comes to you and says i need a 58:59 shelter 59:00 well we have a small design firm that 59:05 designs high-security residences and 59:07 retreats and we're extremely busy as you 59:10 say so we wouldn't be able to do 59:13 anything but we do have a couple of 59:15 books that tell how to do it yourself 59:19 and how to design it my big book is the 59:21 secure home and it's available on the 59:25 internet so it has the architectural 59:27 drawings of how to do a shelter as a 59:30 remodeling we also have a book called 59:32 the high-security shelter book which 59:34 talks about how to do a out of concrete 59:38 block how to build a shelter in an 59:40 existing basement and I know there are 59:42 many places in Europe that have existing 59:44 basements and it shows how to do that

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