Monday, February 13, 2017

Benjamin Fulford Update Feb 13, 2017

 US and China are both busy with internal power struggles so the world will have to wait.

There are intense power struggles taking place in the United States and China these days meaning that big new initiatives for the planet as a whole will have to wait until the dust settles in both countries, Chinese and American sources say.

There are intense power struggles taking place in the United States and China these days meaning that big new initiatives for the planet as a whole will have to wait until the dust settles in both countries, Chinese and American sources say. The struggle in the United States is, to simplify things somewhat, between the deep state faction behind Trump and the remnants of the Bush/Clinton deep state apparatus. In China, three main factions are duking it out as part of an elaborate power dance that will produce a new central government line up sometime around the end of March. When these power struggles are over, then we can expect major reforms of the Federal Reserve Board, the United Nations, the IMF, the EU etc. to begin in earnest. Let us start with the US power struggle, which has intensified now that Jeff Sessions has been formally appointed Attorney General. Immediately following his appointment Trump issued an executive order that “re-focuses the Federal Government’s energy and resources on dismantling transnational criminal organizations, such as drug cartels.” As a Pentagon official described it “Trump declared war on the Bushes and Mexican drug cartels.” Furthermore, in a sign the anti-drug cowboys in the military and US agencies are finally getting the message that force alone will not stop illegal drug use, Pentagon officials are saying Trump may decide legalize and regulate narcotics. This would help bring the roughly $2 trillion annual illegal drug business into the tax paying mainstream and reduce drug related death. If done properly, the massive pharmaceutical industry could be brought on board as long as they were given a role. That should be easy to do since already around 30% of drugs prescribed by doctors are opium based. The drug companies could add a whole new menu of goodies doctors could offer patients if they could start making medicines based on the other major narcotics.

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