Friday, February 17, 2017

Bank Panic in Italy -- Insane Debt Out of Control!

Transcript : italy is in crisis mode right now as its 0:04 third largest bank is headed for 0:06 complete destruction the ECB stated that 0:10 there is need to get the blood stream 0:13 flowing and assist the bank back to 0:16 health 0:17 as always it seems as though the initial 0:19 estimates of how much would be required 0:21 for a bailout would quickly exceed that 0:24 and the bankrupt nation of Italy would 0:27 have to fork out more money it simply 0:30 does not have welcome to the grand 0:34 master plan of the technocratic elite 0:37 you came here for the truth so let me 0:40 unveil that for you 0:41 let's look at Italy today let's look at 0:44 Europe and then I want to bring it 0:46 outwards from there let's start with 0:49 this the italian state will put a 6.6 0:52 billion euros of the 8.8 billion euros 0:56 bill for bailing out struggling bank the 1:00 country's central bank's set the ECB 1:03 setting need for i love this word 1:06 recapitalisation recapitalisation to me 1:10 means you screwed up 1:14 here's some more money for you it's like 1:17 a gambler he just goes and spends more 1:20 and more and more of his money and 1:22 somebody's on the other side saying here 1:24 have some more chips have some more 1:26 chips well eventually you end up with a 1:31 lot of trouble raise the total capital 1:36 required by more than three billion 1:39 euros that had been judged necessary 1:41 just one month ago and I assure you it's 1:45 going to continue explaining the higher 1:48 cost of the bailout Italy central bank 1:50 in a statement that the public rescue 1:52 plan was costlier than the original 1:55 market solution directed a private 1:58 investors as i said in the previous 2:00 video initially was five billion euro 2:03 turns out to be a lot more than that 2:05 they want to set up funds for this you 2:08 know we saw this a few years back they 2:12 set up the e 2:13 sm and before that I believe is called 2:15 the efsf and these are always there 2:20 basically not to support any of these 2:25 institutions that actually may need help 2:29 for any reason they are there to use it 2:33 to take a favorable terms not favorable 2:37 for the institutions of the countries in 2:39 need 2:40 it's of course favorable for the 2:42 technocratic elite that's the way this 2:44 works that's why they set these up 2:45 there's always terms and conditions 2:50 alright so essentially what they said it 2:53 was that it's going to be very expensive 2:54 and it goes on to talk about that what I 2:57 want to cover from this is this very 3:00 very important point charges out a 3:04 bloomberg with a little help from and it 3:10 goes in Italy debt-to-gdp would jump up 3:13 to a hundred and fifty-three percent 3:15 with out underground and illegal economy 3:21 whoa ok so at the top line here what 3:24 we're looking at is the 153 percent is 3:27 referring to if you changed I using the 3:31 drugs using the prostitution and 3:33 everything else all this legal stuff and 3:35 bring it down 3:37 okay so look at that what you're looking 3:39 at 3:40 to me it looks like about right here 3:43 over a hundred thirty percent ok so when 3:47 you see a hundred and thirty percent gdp 3:50 a debt-to-gdp you can pay that back it's 3:56 not possible after a hundred percent i 4:01 mean even less but let's just be so 4:04 generous even after one hundred percent 4:08 that's it you're done 4:11 it's impossible to pay back that that 4:12 will simply just continue to accumulate 4:14 and it will destroy the nation 4:17 it's just the way it is and now you're 4:19 at whatever take a pic hundred and 4:21 thirty hundred fifty percent whatever 4:23 doesn't matter 4:24 the ruined they can't pay the debt back 4:27 and they are continuously going further 4:30 and further into debt their growth is 4:33 terrible right now with this time look 4:36 at their inflation very low at this time 4:39 and in a bad way not that you know that 4:42 the food prices are declining or 4:44 something it's that simply that they are 4:47 dying it's elise antitrust chief has 4:51 called for the EU member states to set 4:53 up a network of public agencies to 4:56 combat fake news that's right when you 5:00 were about to head into a crisis you 5:03 need to wrap up the propaganda and shut 5:07 down those who speak up against you 5:10 that is what's happening globally and 5:13 this is very clear right now in Italy as 5:16 they're actually calling for that and of 5:20 course they said you know we gotta set 5:21 up these independent bodies yeah right 5:25 independent like what like NATO and the 5:29 g20 in the UN and the IMF and World Bank 5:33 are these independent nations not at all 5:35 not at all it's really sad this here but 5:40 here it is anyway this whole thing news 5:42 thing is going to blow up and it's going 5:44 to really accelerate i do believe that 5:47 in a very bad way 5:50 why Spain's population is shrinking by 5:52 72 people each day and they're talking 5:56 about the decline in births ok 5:59 specifically 4.6 % i've noted this to be 6:04 a problem obviously in Japan also in 6:06 europe europe is really a you know we're 6:09 seeing the birth rates declined 6:11 significantly this you know there's many 6:14 reasons for this and I do believe that 6:16 the economic situation is becoming a 6:20 very big burden on people and they're 6:22 feeling that the feeling right down it's 6:24 very clear to me to move on here to just 6:28 one thing we've been talking about the 6:30 US dollar along 6:31 on the effects of this this was about 6:34 one month ago but i still feel as 6:36 relevant you're looking at Egypt central 6:39 bank floating the pound on thursday in 6:41 an attempt to stabilize its economy 6:44 which has been hampered by a shortage of 6:47 dollars and it's interesting to say to 6:50 see how dollars flow out of the u.s. in 6:54 fact most of the dollars not located 6:56 within the US the flow out of the US and 6:59 where they end up it's anyone's guess 7:02 because it seems that there you know 7:04 there is a constant need for dollars 7:08 around the world that's very true of 7:10 course in the long term that would 7:12 change but right now because of that 7:15 petro dollar we know that this will 7:19 remain status quo time this individual 7:21 middle of the desert 7:22 apparently digging I don't know what 7:24 exactly is looking for the currency was 7:28 initially the value check this out by 7:30 thirty two percent to about 13 pounds 7:35 per dollar down from a previous page of 7:37 a point eight per dollar which had been 7:41 in place since March tumbled down by 7:44 another fifty percent people get hurt 7:48 because of currency manipulation and the 7:52 government's just simply don't care they 7:55 will destroy it look what Ben Bernanke 7:58 said I'll say it a hundred times talked 8:00 about in the new book i think even more 8:03 than once 8:04 Bernanke 2002 said we will do everything 8:08 that they did to stop the depression 8:12 like it did you know back in the 29th in 8:17 other words will stop that from 8:20 happening by any means necessary we will 8:22 use all of these things and then one of 8:25 them was that they would devalue the 8:28 currency by as much as forty percent 8:31 you've probably read this before if 8:33 you've been on the channel i know i've 8:34 shown more the woods but ben bernanke 8:37 speech from 2002 he said they will 8:39 devalue the dollar by forty percent 8:44 and that right there shows you how far 8:46 they're willing to go when you devalue 8:48 that overnight people get crushed 8:52 crushed but of course simply don't care 8:56 all right let's move on to the next 8:59 thing here just a very quick mention 9:01 it's something that I'm seeing a trend 9:04 of right now and it's a good thing but 9:08 bibi bibi netanyahu everyone's favorite 9:11 here apparently they are going into this 9:17 months-long inquiry trying to basically 9:19 have a criminal investigation open 9:24 against him and what they were talking 9:28 about here is just very specific 9:30 suspected offenses are bribe-taking and 9:34 aggravated fraud now I don't necessarily 9:36 think that you would think is gonna 9:38 happen to a guy like this but look at 9:42 what happened with Brazil look at 9:44 argentina look at the IMF not just 9:48 christine lagarde but before that 9:51 Dominique strauss-kahn we see big name 9:56 people getting you know shutdown getting 10:00 indicted getting whatever it could 10:05 happen could happen anywhere and you 10:07 know despite the fact that it probably 10:10 should be happening more often it's good 10:13 to see at least attention brought to 10:15 this it could be all fake entirely just 10:18 to say that look easy he's a real guy 10:19 and this is that he defeats the people 10:23 who try to say that he's committing any 10:26 sort of suspected offenses basically so 10:30 not sure what to make of it i thought i 10:33 would just show it to you there and then 10:35 I want to say while you stare at this is 10:42 a wonderful creature 10:44 if you found this video informative 10:45 please give me a thumbs up and if you 10:49 like to look at this gentleman here just 10:54 stare into those eyes and you can give 11:01 me a thumbs down if you choose to if you 11:06 found the video informative i know 11:07 you'll find my book the money gps even 11:09 more informative i have made this 11:13 complicated subject very easy and I do 11:16 that by the use of diagrams that have 11:19 drawn up and charts as well if you want 11:22 to look through the book at amazon they 11:24 have a look inside feature which will 11:26 allow you to flip through the pages of 11:28 the book and see if you like it 11:29 take care now if you hung in there i 11:39 want to quote benito mussolini the truth 11:44 is that men are tired of Liberty I have 11:52 a message for the late 11:55 bendito Mussolini is that real men and 12:01 women are not tired of Liberty store the 12:08 nation 12:09 it's just the way it is and now you're 12:11 out whatever to take a pic hundred and 12:14 thirty hundred fifty percent whatever 12:15 doesn't matter the ruined they can't pay 12:19 the debt back and they are continuously 12:21 going further and further into debt 12:24 their growth is terrible right now at 12:26 this time look at their inflation very 12:30 low at this time and in a bad way not 12:33 that you know that the food prices are 12:36 declining or something it's that simply 12:38 that they are dying 12:40 Italy's antitrust chief has called for 12:43 the EU member states to set up a network 12:46 of public agencies to combat fake news 12:51 that's right when you are about to head 12:54 into a crisis you need to wrap up the 12:58 propaganda and shut down those who speak 13:01 up against you 13:03 that is what's happening globally 13:05 and this is very clear right now in 13:08 Italy as they're actually calling for 13:10 that is you know we saw this a few years 13:15 back they set up the ESM and before that 13:19 I believe is called the efsf and these 13:23 are always there basically not to 13:28 support any of these institutions that 13:32 actually may need help for any reason 13:34 they are there to use it to take 13:39 favorable terms not favorable for the 13:42 institutions of the countries in need 13:45 it's of course favorable for the 13:46 technocratic elite that's the way this 13:48 works that's why they set these up 13:50 there's always terms and conditions 13:55 alright so essentially what they said it 13:57 was that it's going to be very expensive 13:59 and it goes on to talk about that what I 14:02 want to cover from this is this very 14:05 very important point charges out a 14:09 bloomberg with a little help from and it 14:14 goes in Italy debt-to-gdp would jump 14:17 ahead to a hundred and fifty-three 14:19 percent with out underground and illegal 14:23 economy 14:25 whoa ok so at the top line here what 14:28 we're looking at is the 153 percent is 14:32 referring to if you changed I using the 14:36 drugs using the prostitution and 14:38 everything else all this legal stuff it 14:40 brings it down okay so look at that what 14:43 you're looking at 14:44 to me it looks like about right here 14:47 over a hundred thirty percent ok so when 14:51 you see a hundred and thirty percent gdp 14:54 a debt-to-gdp you can pay that back it's 15:00 not possible after a hundred percent i 15:05 mean even less but let's just be so 15:09 generous 15:10 even after one hundred percent that's it 15:13 you're done 15:15 it's impossible to pay back that that 15:17 will simply just continue to accumulate 15:19 and it will just need for I love this 15:22 word recapitalisation recapitalisation 15:26 to me means you screwed up 15:30 here's some more money for you it's like 15:33 a gambler he just goes and spends more 15:36 and more and more of his money and 15:38 somebody's on the other side saying here 15:40 have some more chips have some more 15:43 chips well eventually you end up with a 15:47 lot of trouble raise the total capital 15:52 required by more than three billion 15:55 euros that had been judged necessary 15:58 just one month ago and I assure you it's 16:02 going to continue explaining the higher 16:05 cost of the bailout Italy central bank 16:07 in a statement that the public rescue 16:09 plan was costlier than the original 16:11 market solution directed a private 16:14 investors as i said in the previous 16:16 video initially was five billion euro 16:19 turns out to be a lot more than that 16:21 they want to set up funds for the italy 16:26 is in crisis mode right now as its third 16:29 largest bank is headed for complete 16:31 destruction the ECB stated that there is 16:35 need to get the blood stream flowing and 16:39 assist the bank back to health 16:41 as always it seems as though the initial 16:44 estimates of how much would be required 16:46 for a bailout would quickly exceed that 16:49 and the bankrupt nation of Italy would 16:52 have to fork out more money it simply 16:54 does not have welcome to the grand 16:58 master plan of the technocratic elite 17:02 you came here for the truth so let me 17:04 unveil that for you 17:06 let's look at Italy today let's look at 17:09 Europe and then I want to bring it 17:10 outwards from there let's start with 17:14 this the italian state will foot a 6.6 17:17 billion euros of the 8.8 billion euros 17:20 bill for Bailey out struggling bank the 17:24 country's central bank's set the ECB 17:28 said

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