Wednesday, January 11, 2017

"YOU ARE FAKE NEWS!" Donald TRUMP Exposes CNN and BuzzFeed. Angry Exchange at Press Conference

Donald Trump refused to take a question from CNN - the organisation that had reported US intelligence officials had briefed the tycoon about unverified claims about his relationship with Russia.

On Tuesday, CNN reported that officials had provided a summary of a dossier of information that was apparently generated by political opponents. The information claimed Mr Trump had been compromised by “salacious” information about his personal and business dealings in Russia.

Mr Trump had tweeted that the claims were not correct and amount to nothing more than “fake news”. At a news conference he refused to take a question from CNN. He also criticised BuzzFeed News, which had published the allegations in their entirety.

Donald Trump refused to answer a question from a CNN reporter during his press conference at Trump Tower in New York on Wednesday, as retribution for the CNN story that said he and Barack Obama had been presented with claims that Russia had compromising financial and personal information about the president-elect.

“Not you. Your organization is terrible,” said Trump, when CNN’s senior White House correspondent, Jim Acosta, tried to ask a question.

“Since you’re attacking us, can you give us a question? Mr President-elect, since you’re attacking our news organization, can you give us a chance?” asked Acosta.

“I’m not going to give you a question. You are fake news,” said the president-elect.

Trump was furious after BuzzFeed published an unverified and salacious 35-page report yesterday claiming to show connections between Trump and Russia, using CNN’s earlier story (which mentions the report without revealing its full contents or publishing it) as justification for publishing. BuzzFeed’s decision triggered a storm over media ethics.
John McCain passes dossier alleging secret Trump-Russia contacts to FBI
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Trump repeatedly criticized CNN and BuzzFeed throughout his press conference at Trump Tower in New York on Wednesday, calling BuzzFeed a “leftwing blog” and a “failing pile of garbage” for publishing the unverified report. CNN later said that its decision to publish “carefully sourced reporting” on unverified intelligence documents concerning Donald Trump was “vastly different than BuzzFeed’s decision to publish unsubstantiated memos”.

His attack on CNN can be viewed as somewhat ironic.

Jeff Zucker, president of CNN Worldwide, was the head of NBC Entertainment when it launched The Apprentice, and the success of that and the subsequent spin-off The Celebrity Apprentice helped Zucker become head of NBC. Then, with Zucker as president, CNN gave Trump millions in free publicity thanks to its round-the-clock coverage of his presidential campaign President-elect Trump’s attempt to punish a major US media outlet for what he considers unfavorable coverage and his denigration of members of the press is the kind of thuggish behavior exhibited by authoritarian regimes,” said Suzanne Nossel, executive director of PEN America, a group that pushes for the freedom to write.
Live Trump calls salacious allegations in Russia dossier 'fake news' – live Follow the aftermath of the publication of explosive unverified allegations that Donald Trump had secret contacts with Moscow and that Russia has personally compromising material on the president-elect Trump "Donald Trump" Conference Meeting Press Journalism Journalist Fake 2017 2018 USA America U.S. "United States" False Intelligence Exposed Questions Information Public Media Garbage Alternative Truth Lawyer report expose people sorry silence organization rude "american dream" president "fake news" trendy viral trends "social media" business leader leadership power control meeting audience
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In Wednesday’s press conference, Trump also slammed intelligence agencies for supposedly leaking the report to news agencies.

“I think it was disgraceful that the intelligence agencies allowed any information that turned out to be so false and fake” to get out, said Trump.

“As far as BuzzFeed, which is a failing pile of garbage writing it, I think they’re going to suffer the consequences, and they already are,” Trump said.

Many news outlets, including the Guardian, published articles based on the report without publishing it in full or giving its full details because they are unverified.

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1 comment:

  1. trump success is the alternative media; trumps reality is actually a way to eliminate you the alternative media. And they have succeeded. Trump is nowhere he is just a tool of the event; the real purpose is to dismantle these believes on revolution honesty and justice. The internet has provided this chance.
    The controllers have realized that trump was the guy who would do the job, he had some experience as a showman; they created a controversial media show were you anonymous infowars and the others are the trump followers, the opposition is the main media a sort of Trump vs Hillary show no different than a television show. However, the intention is that after trump gets into office he will do the opposite of what you lot expected by these methods you anonymous and the lot of alternative media is totally discredited as you are now, and bingo the job is done infowars collapses breitbart takes over and CNN fox news etc. returns to the guiding hand for the blind. But alternative media is no longer credible. that was the task to accomplish, trump makes money he enjoys the white house gets replaced in 5 years and you lot of the alternative media disappear.
