Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Trump Signs Three More Executive Orders: Freezes Federal Hiring, Targets Trade and More!

 President Donald Trump announced a series of executive actions Monday focused on trade and the federal workforce, making good on a pair of his core campaign promises.

The actions, signed Monday at the White House, implement a federal employee hiring freeze, formally withdraw the U.S. from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal and reinstate a GOP-backed policy regarding foreign aid and abortion funding.

Trump noted that his long-promised action to shrink the federal government would not apply to the American military.

Trump's action to nix the TPP trade deal with 11 Pacific Rim countries also fulfilled one of his most consistent campaign promises from the 2016 election. The trade agreement, backed by the Obama administration as part of a pivot toward strengthening economic ties with Asian nations, earned criticism from both Trump and his Democratic foe, Hillary Clinton, during their protracted general election fight.

But pro-business groups and many of Trump's Republican allies have voiced support for the deal. Ultimately, the deal was never ratified by Congress.

In a statement, Republican Sen. John McCain called Trump's move "a serious mistake that will have lasting consequences for America's economy and our strategic position in the Asia-Pacific region."

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