Thursday, January 19, 2017

The Globalists Panic At Davos

 The foreign banker backed globalist machine constructed by the military industrial complex, lead by Manchurian candidate puppets, and falsely legitimized by the dying mockingbird mainstream media is collapsing as the wrench of populism lands squarely in its gears.

The World Economic Forum’s paranoid Davos Men are meeting once again this week, desperately protecting their globalist agenda.

The elite are now using anti drone technology to protect their scheming hovel. Zero Hedge reports "It's not FCC-certified as we write this, so you can't legally operate one in the US unless you're with the government.”

China’s President Xi Jingping unloaded on the anti globalization sweeping the world, saying “….we should adapt to and guide economic globalization, cushion its negative impacts and deliver its benefits for all countries.” Meanwhile China artificially pumped shares into its market to appear on an economic even keel in the face of President Elect Donald Trump’s continuing positive effect on Wall Street as capitalism rides the rising tsunami of nationalism.

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