Friday, January 6, 2017

Russian Hacking Hearing Sparks Cyber Security Debate

Top U.S. intelligence officials said they are confident Russia was behind a "multi-faceted" cyber campaign targeting the 2016 election, but how America addresses cyberattacks is up for debate.

McCain and John Fn Kerry are Traitors. They chaired the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIAs and after 22 THOUSAND pages of evidence, declared ALL POWs dead and Clinton normalized relations with Viet Nam leaving over 500 POWs unaccounted for! . Never Forget! NOT FORGOTTEN!

 President-elect Donald J. Trump said in an interview Friday morning that the storm surrounding Russian hacking during the presidential campaign is a political witch hunt being carried out by his adversaries, who he said were embarrassed by their loss to him in the election last year.

Mr. Trump spoke to The New York Times by telephone three hours before he was set to be briefed by the nation’s top intelligence and law enforcement officials about the Russian hacking of American political institutions. In the conversation, he repeatedly criticized the intense focus on Russia. China, relatively recently, hacked 20 million government names,” he said, referring to the breach of computers at the Office of Personnel Management in late 2014 and early 2015. “How come nobody even talks about that? This is a political witch hunt.”

He noted that there have been prior successful hackings of the White House and Congress, suggesting it was unfair that those attacks on American institutions have not received the attention that the Russian cyberintrusions have. But none of the information from those intrusions was made public as it was in the case of the hacking of the Democratic National Committee and John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman. The US intelligence chief has promised to explain why Russia allegedly meddled in the US presidential election.

Director of National Intelligence General James Clapper said Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the hack of Democratic Party emails, and the motive will be revealed next week. Russia USA America U.S. "United States" Secure Security "Cyber Security" Virus News Media Entertainment campaign computer tech technology election information knowledge TRUMP "Donald Trump" intelligence community debate meeting conference spy antivirus actor "emergency supplies" truth trends trending safe world internet agenda 2017 2018 elite "elite nwo agenda" Russia has denied involvement but the US has announced sanctions against Russian officials. President-elect Donald Trump is to be briefed on the hacking on Friday.

Intelligence chiefs will take him through a report, which was given to President Barack Obama on Thursday, on foreign meddling.

An unclassified version will be made public next week.

Top US intelligence officials gave testimony on Thursday to the Senate Armed Services Committee investigating the alleged interference.

In their assessment, Moscow interfered to help Mr Trump, the Republican candidate, beat Democrat Hillary Clinton. Can US election hack be traced to Russia? Trump backs Julian Assange over hacking claim Russian diplomats expelled from US

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