Wednesday, January 11, 2017

OBAMA FAREWELL SPEECH Full Speech - Decipher His Hidden Messages & See What Obama Really Thinks

President Obama, delivering a farewell address in the city that launched his political career, declared on Tuesday his continued confidence in the American experiment. But he warned, in the wake of a toxic presidential election, that economic inequity, racism and closed-mindedness threatened to shred the nation’s democratic fabric.

“We weaken those ties when we define some of us as more American than others,” Mr. Obama said, “when we write off the whole system as inevitably corrupt, and when we sit back and blame the leaders we elect without examining our own role in electing them.”
Mr. Trump inauguration, the president-elect’s frustration with Mr. Obama’s perceived undermining of his victory, and wide-ranging efforts to tie the hands of the incoming administration, boiled over in a series of comments by Mr. Trump on Twitter.

The president has been rushing with executive actions to lock in policies that Mr. Trump isn’t likely to support, such as bans on offshore drilling and a fresh round of pending sanctions against Russia for cyberattacks that the administration says were aimed at helping Mr. Trump win the election. Outgoing President Barack Obama used his farewell address to praise his two daughters as his proudest achievement -- but one was missing.
First Lady Michelle Obama put her arm around Malia as the President spoke. Meantime the Internet began searching for absent Sasha, using the hashtag #whereissasha Barack pleads the Fifth: Andy Cohen posts photo of Obama being grilled during $40k-a-plate dinner at Sarah Jessica Parker's home

Sasha, 15, is a sophomore at the prestigious DC private school, Sidwell Friends. Celebrities, activists and others gave an emotional goodbye to President Obama in a new video by the White House titled “Yes We Can: Your Most Memorable Moments from the Obama Presidency.” The video features figures including Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks, Jerry Seinfeld and Ellen DeGeneres, all sharing some of their favorite moments with the president. USA America U.S. "United States" Peace Peaceful Power Election President Presidential Control Truth Transition 2017 2018 history historic "american dream" TRUMP "Donald Trump" democracy peace citizen citizenship news media entertainment speech office leave job unemployed states farewell passion world witness leader "U.S. Citizen" leadership trends trendy "we the people" politics alex jones gerald celente david icke jsnip4 coast to coast am

“I never cried before, from an election result,” singer John Legend says in the video. Outgoing President Obama and DHS Chief Jeh Johnson have seized control of the election system in America by illegally federalizing it: The emperor has no clothes, the establishment has no clothes, and there is a confirmation bias on the part of the public to believe the main stream media, but the media just says what the government wants.

Operation Mockingbird shows us that you do blend in the truth with your lies from time to time or else no one will believe you. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says the Obama administration is destroying public records in the final days in office.

Just days ago, Assange offered a $30,000 reward to any administration employee who would publicly expose any official disposing of information. During a Periscope press conference on Monday, Assange said the most important thing for Americans to do is to ensure Obama is not destroying those records.

“Past administrations of both Republican and Democratic players have engaged in mass destruction of records as they left office,” Assange said in response to a question. “Past administrations of both Republican and Democratic players have engaged in mass destruction of records as they left office,” Assange said

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